so yesterday i (f) just had piv sex for the first time ever and it took like 8-10 mins just to get it in, he was hard and everything but obviously with multiple attempts of trying it was getting softer but after some fingering and moving positions it ended up going it i just wanted to know it i had something to do with it, was it was me or him or if it’s normal especially for ur first time . maybe i should also mention it was on a bathroom sink maybe that made it harder to put it in but just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this to because literally i haven’t seen anyone talk about that before and i’m lwk scared that maybe i was one of the main factors why.

  1. Yes it’s completely normal for it to be hard to “get it in” the first time, but I don’t think the placement helped much. Next time try some lube and make sure that you are relaxed and wet enough.

  2. Bathroom sink is never what I’d recommend for first time…..that’s just an element that makes it harder than it already would be. Nothing to worry about, maybe just keep the position and location a bit simpler next time.

  3. This is normal for a first time. You’ve got nerves, you don’t know what you’re doing, and balancing on a bathroom sink is hard.

    Sex is a skill, and it gets easier with time. I wouldn’t worry or think about this experience too much. It will get better.

  4. Work on your self esteem. This was your first time. Sex is weird and messy and there’s no script. It could be any number of reasons why it was difficult and none of them are because you’re defective.

    It was your *first time.*

  5. Super normal experience. I didn’t time how long it took to get it in my first time, but we were both very into each other, that was not the issue. It’s just not easy the first time! You’re both still learning is all. Sometimes the angle can be tricky, apparently a lot of guys don’t realize just how low the vaginal opening is positioned (I know kinda funny but true). And you both have to be really ready for it and relaxed. I’m frankly impressed you were able to do it on a sink your first time. I had to straddle the guy on the floor to get it in.

  6. Very normal, I had trouble with this before my first time. We literally just kept trying for about 20 mins or so but couldn’t figure it out so we called it a night. The next time we were together it went in the first try. I think it was a combo of performance anxiety on my part (hard right until penetration then went soft) and not enough lube. Second time around neither of those factors were a problem and we had no issues

  7. For sure it’s normal, took me and my guy 3 different attempts to successfully have him penetrate me. BUT even a seasoned pro can have some difficulty in such a weird place/position as on a sink lol. I definitely recommend you guys try somewhere like a bed or couch with you on your back and your legs spread until you can figure out how y’all fit together and where everything is *then* you can try more adventurous places and positions!

  8. Awkward position for sure didn’t help, he probably didn’t want to force me it in too fast and hurt you.

  9. Don’t worry, it’s not you, just stress. It is hard to keep a boner, so imagine adding stress on top of that and a difficult position. Next time, propose him to do missionary, it will be easier for both of you.

  10. Takes at least 20 minutes every time for my wife and I.

    That’s just how it goes sometimes. Learn to love foreplay!

  11. 100% not your fault and normal.
    I recently started dating someone new for the first time in a few months and it’s like I was a virgin all over again. Fumbling to get it in, problem staying hard, unable to “finish”, etc. Probably took a good 15 min. I had sex regularly with my previous partner for 2 years. Don’t worry too much about it.

    Ironically, for a guy at least, the more you stress about “performing” with a new person, the more likely that you will in fact, not “perform” well. Probably what happened here.

    Oh and some other people said it, but the sink probably didn’t help, more conventional position would probably be easier.

  12. Very normal. And you need to used to the weird Angles and stuff. For the first time missionary is easier imo.

  13. Girl, you’re fine. My first time he literally laid me down, lifted up my ass and tried to jackhammer me in missionary. His dick only went in halfway because I was tight, and it hurt. We tried doggy the next time and it worked a treat. Half of its nerves, the other half is inexperience and bad positioning.

  14. I think the sink is a non issue unless the pelvis was pointed down. Normal. More foreplay, Looks like he figured if out!

  15. Very normal. You can help him guide it in if you’re comfortable doing so. It can be a little nerve wracking for a guy trying to figure it all out the first time, too. He’s learning the equipment with someone there watching! Hahaha.

  16. My first time was similar. It took the guy a really long time to get it in too. He was hard the whole time and I don’t think it was a placement issue or that he wasnt lined up right. I was just nervous and tense and that made things really tight. And it definitely didn’t help that I still had an intact hymen. Nothing had ever been inside me at that point and he had to break my hymen. It was very painful and messy. The second time was a little easier. By the time I’d had sex maybe 20 or 30 times, I never had that issue again.

  17. Yes, my first time we couldn’t get it in at all, and psychologically it created tensions to the point where we didn’t have vaginal sex for the first 6 months of marriage.

    Got there in the end though.

  18. Yes first time it was also a struggle for me and my then gf… It took many attempts and it hurted for her and I was going soft after a few attempts… So the toilet sink doesn’t help, this needs time and relaxing

  19. Sex your first time is almost always super awkward, messy, and weird. The dude doesn’t know what he’s doing yet! He’s trying to just figure it out from what he’s seen in porn and instincts. I’ve been having sex for 20 years, and I’ve been with my fiancé for a year and a half so I know her body pretty well. And there are some positions where it doesn’t take a minute to get in properly, sometimes I need a little help or to be guided. That’s the way it goes.

    Your position of sitting on a bathroom sink probably also made it pretty difficult. That’s not really what they’re designed for, and unless he was exactly the right height for it that could be super difficult.

  20. First time for me it just went straight in, he was decent size too. I was pretty relaxed and we’d had a while of foreplay first

    Were you stressed out about it?

  21. The vanity / sink MAY have been a mite high, but the problem was likely that both of your inexperience made it difficult. You may have had some parts of your hymen that were still intact and complicated it more.


    Next time should go more smoothly.


    Just some notes. Use birth control. Probably condoms.

    If it were at one of your parents’ house what are the younger siblings gonna tell your parents that you guys were doing, together in the bathroom with the door closed.

    If it were your dorm, the bed in a double at the right time is a better choice than the lavatory with your pod-mates around.

  22. I’ve had sex plenty of times and being up like that does make it harder to get in. As I’ve done it on the kitchen counter and it was quite difficult lol.

  23. If it takes that long to get it in then you might just be dealing with some like my younger self. I had issues with this because I was clueless with the female anatomy. Then I ended up with this super sweet, cute and bubbly girlfriend who taught me about everything. She laid down on the bed one day and spread her legs and told me to look to touch and to ask questions. We did this for 2-3 hours a couple of times. She taught me so much and was so compassionate , Cyndi, where ever you are, thank you, I will never forget you!!

  24. Bathroom sink sex is fairly hard and almost never goes smoothly 😅😅

    It was your first time. Totally normal for it to be hard to get it in there.

    Lots of foreplay, lube if needed, relax and enjoy, preferably not in the bathroom next time ❤️

  25. I would wreckon your boy was really nervous and that caused the flop. Nothing to worry about. Especially not about yourself.

  26. 10 minutes is quite a while, but that’s mostly all sink tax. Weird height, weird angle, lack of purchase, and whatever other impediments add up to a very difficult time achieving PIV.

    More generally, there’s always gonna be a bit of fumbling the first time, and not even just the ‘first time’ but any first time with any partner. We’re all built differently.

  27. I have ten years of sexual experience and some 60-ish partners under my belt, and I’d struggle to insert a penis under those circumstances too lol. Since it sounds like a spontaneous hookup in a bathroom, I’m assuming there wasn’t much foreplay either? Even sexually experienced women can need a lot of warmup for penetration to go smoothly.

  28. Hell, I’ve been active 26 years and it would probably take just as long for me on a bathroom sink. The vagina is angled a bit oddly and that pelvic bone can really block entry if the angle isn’t just right.

  29. I had this problem many times in a row when I first started.

    You gotta take a little of the lubrication from the inside and spread it around the entrance. Or use some extra lubrication on him. After it’s in, everything will spread around naturally.

    Good luck

  30. First time should not be on the bathroom sink because of the angle, but next time move to where you can either be on top or you laying down, the angle will be easier, and use lots of lube.

  31. For a first time it’s totally normal, you have a hymen that ultimately opens or “breaks” during first penetration.

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