Hi, excuse the format as I’m on the phone app.

I ride VOI e-scooters and e-bikes, and this morning had a bit of an incident.

I was riding a scooter and needed to turn left from a main road. There was a line of cars waiting to turn into the side road but on the right, and I saw an opening meaning I went ahead just before a car turned right into the side road.

E-scooters can’t go very fast really so even though I had the headstart, the car moved ahead as well. I slowed myself down as to not get into an accident and was on the left hand side of the vehicle for that same reason. The driver honked at me and thus I put my hand up and apologised.

The driver slowed their initial driving speed to be next to me as I moved in front of him to get to the right hand side out of the way, in order to shout at me and call me an idiot.

In all fairness I have been recovering from an illness so probably wasn’t fully in my right mind.

Will I get in trouble for this? I agree that it’s my fault even if I had pulled into the side road first; I just would like to know everyone’s opinion on if whether he will likely report me and a formal investigation be made into me.

  1. Did you hit his car? Unless you did he’s very unlikely to report it and even if he did the police would never get around to looking into it. So no, you’re fine.

  2. No you’re fine. Just be aware of your surroundings and other road users.. If you’re on the road you’re the vulnerable one and should make sure you’re safe. You can’t rely on everyone else. Too many idiots. I wouldn’t go driving a car if I knew my judgement and reactions weren’t up to it.

    Scooters are an absolute ball ache as a pedestrian and a driver.

  3. If it is a rental and legal I believe they are covered with insurance, but by the sounds of it nothing actually *happened* other than a car got cut up and beeped at you? What action do you think could be taken here.

  4. Aren’t e-scooters still illegal to drive unless on private land with landowner permission?

  5. You won’t get in trouble but for your own safety you should probably be a bit more careful. Bikes and e-scooters etc are notoriously easy to miss and some drivers might not see you coming. You will come off far worse in a collision

  6. Very unlikely. The driver probably won’t report you since there was no collision. Also, do those scooters even have number plates?

    You might end up on one of those “idiots caught on dashcam” type videos tho, LOL. Be careful next time.

  7. It sounds to me like you had the right of way. The vehicle turning right into a side road should give way to the vehicle turning left into it. Sometimes drivers can be bullies though, this happens to cyclists a lot. Seems like your vehicle was legal to be on the road. How about you draw a diagram.

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