What is the best reaction you’ve gotten to a nude?

  1. I got a girls number in a club one night, I sent her a message the next day to try arrange a date, she got flirty and asked me to send her a selfie, I sent her one and she asked to see more sexy ones, when I sent her a nude she begged me to meet her asap, I told her I couldn’t as I was taking care of my nephew, she wouldn’t take no as an answer and got a 1hr taxi journey to me and we fucked so much that night.

  2. Sent one to my girlfriend the other day and got a text several hours later telling me how she had been coming back to it all day long.

  3. I posted once on a sub and got some pretty wholesome responses, it’s all the confidence I needed.

  4. A flight to where I was, a hotel stay for 3 nights, and no leaving the hotel room the entire time.

  5. I’ve sent several (completely solicited) in my time and they’ve all been met with a very enthusiastic response.

    The best ones are the ones that ended in sex

  6. Chicks usually freak out but this one time, I got a ‘Nice’ and it was the highlight of my week.

  7. My grand mom said “that looks a lot different than when I used to change your diaper”

  8. Got drunk and took a selfie underwater a few years back. Received a pic of her drooling onto her bare chest. Good times.

  9. She came over the next evening to see me and took me in the garage and made me take her on the tailgate of my pickup twice before she would beg to stop.

  10. I’d say 3 hearts , 58 wow faces, and 86 angry face. Always make sure it’s not facebook live.

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