I have been seeing this FwB for some time. I have no problem in maintaining erection for all the other sexual acts, my dick is rock hard rest of the times. Just when I put on a condom and try to put it in, I just lose it. It has happened first time and it has now become a compounding effect and my head keeps saying “oh! i hope this shit doesn’t happen again”.

I am 21, workout 5x a week, fit, don’t do drugs. Why is it happening? Any one who had this and overcame this? Please help me!

  1. >my head keeps saying “oh! i hope this shit doesn’t happen again”.

    And that’s your boner-killer…a thought that produces anxiety and takes you out of the moment creating a self-fulfilling prophecy

    Maybe you can try having her put the condom on you instead? It could be a little sexier than DIY and help keep your mind on track

  2. It could very well be a mental thing as the other commenter pointed out. Maybe the first time was a fluke but now that it’s happened you get anxious about it happening again which in turn does make it happen again.

    Another possibility to consider is it could be an issue with condom sizing. Contrary to popular belief they aren’t one size fits all and if it’s too tight that can kill your erection.

    You can measure yourself and plug the numbers into the condom calculator on calcsd.info and see what would fit you best.

  3. It’s all in your head. It’s okay, man. These things happen. I used to have performance anxiety my first few times with a new partner. I went and got a script of Cialis, and it got me through that initial phase. Maybe consider the same. It takes the anxiety away.

  4. Make sure your condom fits properly. Assuming that’s fine experiment with different types of condoms. I personally prefer polypropylene rather than latex. The poly let’s you feel your partner’s heat whereas latex is an insulator.

  5. I always had the same issue! I’d try a larger condom maybe?? I think was always a mental thing for me. You aren’t alone in this issue though!

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