What is the last fun/frivolous thing you purchased for yourself?

  1. A stress ball designed to look like a potato. Frankly I’m most looking forward to throwing it at someone.

  2. I bought a dress made out of hoodie material with a hood for my plus sized self for no reason other than I’m sad and wanted it.

  3. Well, now I’m just sad. Just spent five minutes looking around the room and pondering. My answer is: my memory doesn’t go that far back.

    ETA: Nerds, the candy.

  4. A Kate Spade bag! It’s jade green with gold chains and I love it so much. Did I need another bag? No. Was it only $60 on Black Friday and was it staring at me the entire time from the bottom shelf of the store? …yes.

  5. I bought the car I’ve always wanted. I’ve been thinking about it for years and finally went for it.

  6. I get a Coca Cola a few times a week to get through the work day.

    Almost all my “fun money” is spent on food because I love food.

  7. A candle holder shaped like a hippopotamus for no good reason whatsoever other thann it makes me giggle.

  8. I just got back from a trip to Japan so I went on a picture frame shopping spree to hang my memories 🥰

  9. A Phoebe Wahl print I’ve had my eye on for a couple of years. My Christmas gift to myself from myself.

  10. I bought myself a sample box of 12 higher end perfumes for Christmas. Wrapped them right away so I wouldn’t be tempted lol

  11. Givenchy prism loose powder, because people on Reddit said it made your pores disappear. I was already buying gifts from Sephora and figured I’d treat myself. It’s so pretty!

  12. freeze-dried skittles. i saw an ad on tiktok for them months ago and was like “i don’t need that,” but after work stress and painful cramps i was like, “i’m getting that damned candy.”

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