I (F33) have been talking to this guy (M32) for a few months on and off/long-distance after meeting on vacation. Recently, things started developing a bit too fast for me as I have a ton of personal issues I’m dealing with at the moment. I mentioned this to him after he was jokingly mentioning marriage and falling in love, which he later said was a cultural joke.

I took the opportunity to make it clear that I was happy to continue to get to know eachother but I can’t do anything serious at the moment. He got really upset and defensive with me, basically citing his own pride as the reason he won’t talk to me anymore and basically said that he hopes my “honesty” got me what I wanted and that he never asked me about my personal life and demanded to know nothing from me.

It was a pretty intense and hurtful conversation where he basically kept saying my explanations/speeches were uncalled for and he never asked for it.

I tried smoothing things over again today and he was having none of it and basically shut me out again. He blocked me from his socials as well.

I still can’t help but feel awful about how it all devolved and am beating myself up about how I could have communicated better or I don’t even know.

Just need some support.

Edited to add: the specific reason he cited as not wanting to talk to me anymore was that he “doesn’t like people who write the possibility of things off”. Which I didn’t do. Was just trying to open up to him about my personal life.

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