I have been seeing a guy for around 3 months and our relationship really confuses me. I’ve never truly had a partner and I told him up front on our first date that I was looking for a committed relationship eventually. He told me he would was open to that. it was his first ever tinder date. He’s a new student at our college and didn’t really know anyone here besides his roommate. On our first date we ended up going back to my place and having sex. Before we did so, he explained he was a virgin and as I asked why he has never had sex before as he’s 23. He said he had a long term girlfriend who didn’t really want to have sex, and that it wasn’t something that was important to him.

We ended up meeting several more times and having sex 1 or 2 more times, with him seeming enthusiastic about doing it more. However after that first month he lost all interest in having sex with me. We made out a lot, but every time I’d try to initiate he had reasons why he didn’t want to. I eventually asked him why he didn’t want to have sex, and he responded he actually had a low sex drive and used to think he was asexual, and that he didn’t really enjoy penetrative sex, but still insisted he enjoyed having sex with me.

I asked him a month in how he felt things were going and he replied that he wanted to keep it casual. I really enjoy his company and genuinely see myself with him and he’s assured me he wants to keep me in his life and enjoys being seen with me, but I don’t understand why he wants to be fwb with me but not have sex, he also doesn’t seem to be seeing anyone else right now.

I’ve introduced him to my friends and he’s made fast friends of them all, and as of now they seem to be his only friends here. He recently asked if he could move in with me and my roommates next year, and I asked him if he meant this as a partner or as a friend which he said as a friend. One of my friends thinks this is a good idea, and my others think it will make things very complicated. He also invited me to see his house soon which would mean I would be meeting his parents.

I’m not sure what to think of this whole situation, as he’s made it clear he wants to remain fwb and continue to show physical affection towards me (as of right now just kissing and cuddling) I’ve started seeing someone else sexually and told him this and emphasized that I didn’t want our relationship to change and told him I was open to discuss being exclusive. He said he would think on what he wants. Im really confused. Is he asexual? Does he want an actual relationship? Or does he just want to be my friend and have someone to hold/kiss?

  1. I would also like to add im very experienced sexually and have a very high sex drive. My experience losing my virginity was very hard on me because it was to someone who strung me along without explaining what he wanted/that he was seeing other people. I really want to do right by this guy and not make his first time/sexual relationship with someone end poorly or be as upsetting as mine. Im trying to be as communicative as possible but I worry I’m pestering him because there is a lot I’m confused about. Almost all my other sexual relationships have been with people much more experienced than me who well understood casual relationships. I’ve never seen one person sexually for as long as I have this guy so I’m in uncharted waters.

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