I (M 26) used to love her (F26) blindly during my college days, proposed many times; she always rejected me telling that she can’t love anybody.
Later on during my last year of college I came to know that she was having bf and was cheating me. I stopped talking her, but after 1 year again I proposed and she rejected telling, am I mad, don’t I understand in one time that she isn’t willing to love me.

Later on I decided that I would never propose in future and I stopped talking again, some how we used to chat a bit in 3-4 months just to know, what are we doing.

Then I got an offer from an MNC and I started my professional career. After 1.5 yrs of my job. She called me one day and started asking does your mother likes me (Many a times I had made her talk with my mom as a friend). Then she messaged me that she wants to know, if I still love her. And now she is willing to marry me.
TL;DR: What should i do?

  1. I think someone that repeatedly rejects you and then when you’re doing well for yourself pops up out of nowhere to try and get together, is someone you shouldn’t get together with

  2. Block her she is only after your money and success, she doesn’t love you for the person you are it would be better off if you found someone who respects and loves you for who you are.

  3. Don’t let yourself be an afterthought when she has clearly never been interested previously. Her mindset has obviously changed now you are doing well, this is a huge red flag don’t let your feelings for her cloud your judgment she will use you plain and simple.

  4. Saw in another thread that you have never had a relationship, why all this talk about marriage? Which culture is this?

  5. Let me guess. You’re from India? Because from the way you’ve written, it’s kinda evident. Actually, proposing has a very different meaning all over the world. The “propose” you’re talking about here is kinda like “Hey, I like you, wanna marry?” It doesn’t work like that and it sounds like you’ve missed the intermediate steps before marriage.

    That aside, this girl has played with your feelings and has repeatedly showed that you don’t matter. Also, you entertaining her is kind of portraying you to be desperate for her attention. Stop talking to her because she is not looking for a partner. She is looking for an ATM. And the way, that she has approached you only after you’ve gotten a job with an MNC kinda screams RED FLAG.

    My advice: Stop talking with her. Block her, cut contact with her. Live your life. You’ll find someone better.

  6. Well, sounds like she’s had her chance and blew it. Why would you want to marry someone who cheated on you in college? Move on and find someone who actually wants to be with you.

  7. Dude, she’s been playing you for years. Do yourself a favor and cut her out of your life completely. Move on and find someone who actually wants to be with you without all the drama and bullshit. Don’t fall for this crap again, buddy.

  8. If she cant be at your worst, she doesnt deserve you at your best. Plus she cheated so why should you even consider giving her a chance?

  9. None of this makes sense. She couldn’t cheat on you in college, as you weren’t dating. Then you proposed marriage after not speaking to her for a year? Then she turns up out of nowhere to propose marriage to you, again after years of not speaking. People don’t do any of this. Rage bait for the “all women are gold diggers” crowd.

  10. Dude, walk away from this. She’s rejected you so many times. And she cheated. My guess is she just broke up with someone or got rejected by someone she really liked, and she’s looking for an ego boost. And she remembers how hot you were for her and she thinks you’ll give her that ego boost she wants. She doesn’t really care about you or want you back.

    That or she heard you’re doing well career and financially, and now she’s gold digging.

    Reject her and move on. Find someone who actually cares about you.

  11. What you should do is say you appreciate her honesty but the door is closed on any possible future of you and her together.

    I think she’s realized that she was dating losers, and when you’re starting to be successful suddenly she sees the idea of you taking care of her.

    That’s really the trouble with money or success- you can’t tell for sure if someone is with you for your money, or for *you*. In this case, you CAN know, because she wasn’t there when it was just you, but now wants to be there when you have money.

    So I say your answer is thanks but no thanks.

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