Has anyone noticed any local or national recognition statements or other commemorations for Pearl Harbor Day today? I was able to find articles on the events taking place at Pearl, including the attendance of 100+ year old survivors, but I had to search for them. However, there was no mention on the local news (haven’t caught national yet) and nothing on any of my news or social feeds. I just stopped regular cable service (getting adjusted to Roku) because of the price, but there are usually some documentaries and movies about it and WW2 on this date. Is it just becoming less recognized as those who lived through it are almost gone?

  1. I must say that I’m not surprised your local news isn’t doing a feature on this. Unless there’s a 100 year old person in your town who was in Honolulu that day, I’m not sure why any given local news source would do a story just to remind people that something happened on this date 82 years ago.

  2. 82 is kind of a weird number to celebrate, frankly, say, vs. 50, 75 or 100. And it’s already a national holiday, although not enough of one to make the mail stop and the banks close.

  3. No it’s because Japan is an ally and since Trump came to office there’s been a cultural policy in this country emerging of re-writing history and ignoring the uncomfortable parts.

    China is our “enemy” now so no point in dwelling about Japan

  4. I definitely have. Such disrespect. But when public schools stopped teaching academics, government, econ and history?

    The socialists achieved their objective.

  5. I didn’t realize it all all this year and couldn’t figure out why TCM has been showing exclusively military and war themed movies all week for most of the days. Then today watched a Gary Cooper naval movie depicting the whole Pearl Harbor attack. Still didn’t occur to me until I came on Reddit tonight with people asking the same question as OP . And I’m the type of Boomer that usually follows historical dates. So yes, I agree… very little public coverage of Pearl Harbor date this year.

  6. History has both a shelf life and a half life. There was a lot of interest in the attack from those affected by it directly and those affected by the war it brought their parents, aunts, and uncles into. Less so with each generation because there’s less personal attachment and interest. It just means that those of us who carry a torch have to work a bit harder to make it easier for others to gain an interest and learn from it.

  7. The local news talked about it. Ofc the national news had a feature on a veteran and his family that served

  8. It’s becoming just another random historical event to most people, especially now that few veterans are left. For the first time since World War II, few alive remember World War II.

  9. I heard a brief mention of it this morning on KTLA 5 while I was getting ready for work. I remember them mentioning there is only one crewmember left from the USS Arizona still living.

  10. Probably because of Ukraine and Palestine, also we had a big thing for it for the 80th. 82 is a weird number to celebrate for

  11. When is VE Day? On what date did we bomb Hiroshima? Ask a Hundred randos what happened at Pearl Harbor and I’d be surprised if 15 could tell you. History has become meaningless to Americans

  12. As an American, I really don’t believe a commemoration is necessary for the 82nd anniversary. 10 year increments make more sense.

  13. There was a commemorative event in Chicago. Taps was played, a salute was fired, and a ceremonial wreath placed in Lake Michigan (off of Navy Pier, I think). This was covered on the local ABC news.

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