Preferably states that are connected to each other with land, what makes states different than each other? Would you see states change borders in future

  1. I can’t be bothered to execute it, but I would

    – Grant PR statehood

    – Retrocede populated DC to modern day Maryland

    – Ranking all states by population, take the least populated state, and combine with its smallesf neighbor.

    – If a state has no neighbors, exclude from combination step.

    – Repeat until only 25 left.

  2. Iowa would likely merge with Minnesota. I can only assume we would rule MN with an iron fist.

  3. Dakota, Carolina, delmar, calivada, pennsyltucky, Virginia, new jork, new Vermont, new arizona, texahoma, arkansouri, minnesconsin, washigon,montanaho, wyomarado, indianois, missippiana… I put way too much effort into this

    Edit: I now have a map in front of me lol. (1) Washigon, (2) calivada, (3) udaho, (4) wyotana, (5) colorabraska, (6) new arizona, (7) Dakota, (8) texahoma, (9) kansouri, (10) minnowa, (11) Wisconsinois, (12) louisiarkansas, (13) alassippi, (14) georgida, (15) Carolina, (16) tennetucky, (17) indianigan, (18) ohiylvania, (19) Virginia, (20) delmar, (21) new yorsey, (22) Connecticut island, (23) vermonchussetts, (24) vermain, (25) halaska

  4. Give Vegas to California or Arizona and then take Utah, the rest of Nevada, and Idaho to form Deseret.

    Combine Alabama and Mississippi into Missilbama.

    Combine the Carolinas, Dakota, and Virginias.

    Combine Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine to form the Nor’East.

    Give Indiana to Illinois, if they get Chicago, they should get Gary too.

    Combine Kansas, part of Missouri and Arkansas together since Arkansas is just Kansas with an added AR. Combine the rest of Missouri with Kentucky and Tennessee to form the state of Franklin.

    Do away with Rhode Island, then combine Massachusetts with Connecticut.

    Get rid of New Jersey.

    Combine Delaware with Pennslyvania and Maryland.

    Make Michigan and Ohio fight another war, winner gets the other state.

    — So apparently I missed my thought with New Jersey making it look like I was going to push the entire state into the ocean.

    But with New Jersey, split the state given the Newark metro area to New York (they are more or less New York anyway and ever their football teams rep New York) and the rest can go to Pennslyvania.

  5. Combine eastern Washington, eastern Oregon and Montana in a new, gigantic Idaho, then combine the remaining western parts of Washington and Oregon into the state of Cascadia. That cuts 4 states into 2 and creates saner cultural/political borders.

  6. Alabama and Mississippi are combining into Missibama and we’re taking the Florida panhandle with us.

  7. Minnesota, Wisconsin, iowa, north Dakota, south Dakota and the UP will unite and be known as “The North”

  8. Preferably connected? Screw that. South Carakota and North Dakotalina, Mainegon, New Jersico, Connectizona…

  9. Merge North Jersey into New York, and South Jersey into Pennsylvania. That way the suburbs of NYC and Philly cross fewer state lines.

  10. New England….

    Mass and Maine reunite after 223 years, becoming Wabanaki, the Native name for the Land of the Dawn.

    NH and VT, Ski Topia

    CT and RI, perhaps as Narragansett.

  11. bow down & pay your water tax to The Lake Michigan Alliance:

    – Michigan
    – Wisconsin
    – Illinois
    – Indiana

    four states put aside our differences to protect the only Great Lake not shared with Canada. now start working on your pitches for why we should give you other states some of our fresh water.

  12. The Dakotas, the Carolinas, the Virginias, Kanbraska, Texahoma, New Mexizona, Montadaho, Calivada, Verhampshire, Maryware, Gulfia (MS, AL, GA), Missourinois, Ohiana.

  13. Whoops, Massachusetts ate Vermont/New Hampshire while Connecticut made off with Rhode island

  14. For some states, it’d be better to give parts to neighboring states.

    With Ohio, give S/SW including Cincinnati to Kentucky

    Give SE/E to west Virginia

    Give rural western Ohio to Indiana.

    Give NE Ohio including Cleveland to Pennsylvania

    Give Toledo to Columbus to Michigan

  15. The fourfecta (Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona could be a single state imo, same with Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois

  16. At first I read this as doubling the number of states because you would be cutting 50 states in half. When you cut something in half, there are now two pieces that are equal sized. We’d be left with 100 smaller states.

    I understand what you mean though.

  17. Upper New England – Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont

    Lower New England – Mass, CT, RI

    New York

    PennJersey – PA, NJ

    Marylware – MD, Delaware

    OG Virginia – VA and WV

    Carolina – NC and SC

    Georgiabama – GA,AL

    Lower Mississippi – LA, MS, AK

    Upper Mississippi – MO, IA, Minnesota

    Appalachia – Tennesse, Kentucky

    Greater Indiana – Indiana, Ohio

    Great Lakes – Michigan, Wisconsin


    Dakota – ND, SD

    Central Plains – NE, KS, OK


    Northern Rockies – WY, MT, ID

    New Mexicrado – CO,NM

    Utazona- UT, AZ

    Greater California – CA, NV





  18. It should be like 13 total

    Oregon California and Washington
    Utah Nevada and Idaho
    Wyoming and Montana
    Arizona and New Mexico
    Texas and Oklahoma (suck it up, Texans)
    Louisiana Arkansas and Mississippi
    Alabama Georgia and Florida
    All the great lakes states become one
    Kentucky Tennessee the Virginias and the Carolinas
    The Dakotas Nebraska Kansas and Missouri
    New England

  19. Take all of New England, PA, NY, and NJ and just call it New South Boston and call it a day.

  20. Caligonington. To Canada. If Hawaii wants to come along as the new Ibiza or Tenerife, cool.

  21. Washington-Oregon
    Colorado-New Mexico
    New York-New Jersey
    Vermont-New Hampshire
    Rhode Island-Connecticut


  22. My states would be (Starting from the west going east)

    1. Hawaii
    2. Alaska
    3. Washington – Oregon _ Idaho = CASCADIA
    4. California – Nevada = CALIFORNIA
    5. Montana – Wyoming = MONTANA
    6. Utah
    7. Colorado
    8. Arizona
    9. New Mexico
    10. Texas – Oklahoma = TEXAS
    11. Nebraska – Kansas = KANSAS
    12. North Dakota – South Dakota = DAKOTA
    13. Minnesota
    14. Iowa – Missouri – Illinois = ILLINOIS or maybe I’d call it MISSOURI.
    15. Arkansas
    16. Louisiana
    17. Alabama – Mississippi = MISSISSIPPI
    18. Tennessee – Kentucky = TENNESSEE
    19. Indiana – Ohio = OHIO
    20. Michigan
    21. Florida
    22. Georgia
    23. South Carolina – North Carolina = CAROLINA
    24. Virginia – West Virginia = VIRGINIA
    25. Maryland – Delaware = MARYLAND
    26. Pennsylvania – New Jersey = PENNSYLVANIA
    27. New York
    28. Connecticut – Rhode Island – Massachusetts – New Hampshire – Vermont – Maine = NEW ENGLAND

    It’d be 28 states.

  23. CalifOreIngton would be unstoppable. But we (CA) should probably just absorb Nevada (or Arizona) and Utah to remove their senate and electoral votes.

  24. The Dakotas, the Carolinas, and the Virginias merge. Then we start in with NY & NJ merging. Also Kansas & Missouri can merge, and we can turn the West Coast into one state.

  25. California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona to make an almost nice semicircle. Wyoming stays separate to fuck with them.

  26. Dakota. Carolina. New Mexico and Arizona become Southwestistan. Idaho and Wyoming merge with Montana. Delaware becomes part of Maryland. Massachusetts becomes part of Rhode Island (no, not the other way around). Nebraska and Oklahoma become part of Kansas. Virginia and West Virginia reunite. Michigan masses its forces in the UP and invades Wisonsin. Kentucky and Tennessee merge, ending over a century of war over who has the better whiskey.

  27. Alaska-Hawaii
    Arizona-New Mexico
    North Dakota-South Dakota
    North Carolina-South Carolina
    Ohio-West Virginia
    New York-New Jersey
    Connecticut-Rhode Island
    New Hampshire-Maine

  28. Can’t believe nobody is saying Rhode Island. Like why is that state even still here in the first place.

  29. It would look [something like this]( I’ve tried to preserve current borders as much as possible. You could argue that any given state should belong to a neighbouring region, particularly those like West Virginia or Missouri that already don’t fit neatly into a certain region. I have taken the liberty of splitting Michigan in half, and of annexing the southern tips of Mississippi and Alabama into Floriana. I have also taken aspects like culture and climate into account, but the political shitshow that would ensue is another story altogether.

  30. Washington and Oregon can be one state, west of the cascades. The white supremacists can have the rest of em plus Idaho. California’s overregulated economy needs to be subjugated by the unashamed gangster corruption of Nevada and together they can benevolently rule the Arizona poors. New mexico should keep one of them states down there for itself, just for being a bro (but not texas, nobody messes with texas). Kansas and Arkansas need a hostile takeover situation that ends with a perpetual state of competitive civil war reenactments. Georgia and both Carolinas need to cooperate for at least long enough to come to a consensus on what Barbecue sauce is. Kentucky and Tennessee can date because theyd just be so dang cute together. The entire DELMARVA peninsula can just be virginia junior from now on and filter all automotive traffic directly into the ocean. Pennsylvania and New Jersey can get together and rebrand themselves as the discount vacation zone. New York is really jealous of New Hampshire’s whole no taxes schtick and thinks it’s really sexy, but would never admit it in public (they hold hands under their desk). Maine and Vermont are already kind of the same thing so we’ll put them on the same plate as a surf and turf entree. Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama will be fenced into Florida for the purposes of dinosaur breeding. Miami gets to be its own banana republic with no official language (its a form of spanish nobody understands, especially people from Miami). Most of the square states will be replaced with Union Pacific freight yards that service high tech bullet trains that only go to Denver.

    Alaska and Hawaii get to keep their shared title as “the fun ones.” Connecticut gets to go fuck itself.

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