Why are people hyped up about GTA 6 launch? Wondering if it’s cuz of something explicit or just the game?

  1. GTA was always one of those games with a great open world, good story and just a really fun game.

    I grew up playing GTA vice city at night at my brother’s computer.

  2. GTA is one of the most popular and successful franchises and it doesn’t release yearly like COD or something so obviously people have been waiting on the new release for a long time. Also Rockstar has good reputation developing 3rd person shooter video games.

    I’m not sure what you mean with something explicit though.

  3. Yes people are not excited to play the game they just like animated boobs, don’t let him buy OP

  4. Rockstar games are usually an event when they get released. Unlike Call of Duty or FIFA, we only get new Rockstar titles every 7-10 years or so and they are pretty much always in the upper echelon of quality unlike so many games like COD or FIFA that just shit out undercooked new titles year after year.

  5. It’s the game. GTA 5 was one of the best selling games of all time. It released on 3 different generations of consols and is still being played heavily despite coming out 10 years ago. I’m not a big fan of the franchise and played GTA 5 a bit since it came with my PS4. Not my cup of tea but it’s an extremely well made game and one of the most polished and immersive experiences I ever had in a video game. Even games I enjoyed more I would easily say weren’t as impressive as GTA 5.

  6. Lol girl, my boyfriend plays GTA, and not for the explicit content. Educate yourself and watch a video on why people are hyped – there is SO much more to this game than you realize. Don’t let your insecurities get you to the point where you have to make an entire reddit post about it.

    I watched the trailer with my boyfriend and got hyped FOR him. I was like, hell yeah! When you get to the strip club scene call me over, I wanna watch!

    Don’t be so insecure, be cool and supportive. That’s way more attractive.

  7. I am not into GTA but love the hell outta RDR(1&2) and think Rockstar is one of the best game developers on the planet – I fully understand anyone being totally stoked with anticipation for a new release!

  8. I’ve been playing the game since the week it was released but could not care less about online play. I’m going to finally have a new single player to play that looks amazing.

  9. It has been 10 fucking years since GTA 5 was released. 10 fucking years of speculation and hype. 10 fucking years and you’re wondering why people are excited?

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