What’s something your partner does that you love?

  1. Cleans up after me… I don’t mean to be absent minded, but I forget to put things away often times. I’m pregnant and I think that’s a big part of it. I’m super tired all the time and always distracted. But it’s that and little things he does that shows me he cares. Plus he treats me like a queen in bed so…

  2. If I’m being full honest with myself : trying.
    Since we are together he is constantly on experiencing new experiences, behaviors and reactions and even if I’m unable to see it in the moment itself because it isn’t executed the way I personally would : he just keeps on trying over and over again to be the person he never was before me and I sincerely thank him for that, even if I should learn to actually voice it to him AND to become aware.

  3. Well I had major neck surgery a week ago and had been discharged yesterday. We have 6 kids, and he’s been such a tremendous help. Just today he was up by 6am to get our children to school, cleaned the whole house top to bottom, made dinner, and did our kids bedtime routine, all without my help. He’s such a huge help when I’m at my worse.

  4. Gets me a McDonalds biscuit every morning, and if I don’t wake up to eat it he tucks it either under my chin or between my boobs while I’m still sleeping. Idk why but something about that is so endearing and sweet to me lol

  5. Kisses me on the forehead and gives me a hug before heading to work and tells me that he loves me.

  6. As a person with mental health issues, I know it takes it’s toll on the people around me as well, but he always makes sure to let me know that he is genuinely proud of how far I’ve come despite everything. Not having heard that when I was younger, it makes me cry every time he says it.

    Even just today I had a breakdown and he dropped everything to come and see me and make sure I was okay (which I wasn’t). He’s stopped me from making irreversible decisions, more than he probably knows.

  7. He literally takes care of me and our toddler son. He spends time with him, cooks, loads & unloads dishwasher, does and folds laundry, takes and picks up the boy from daycare when I can’t. And he has a full time job. 🥰🥰🥰

  8. I feel cared for especially when I’m at his place. Last time he told me he was gonna make me my favorite breakfast tacos and I don’t have to leave the bed.

  9. Earlier this week i had a medical emergency and even though he was just as scared as i was, he tried everything in his power to make me feel better and relax, while also making sure we were ready to leave when the ambulance came. I’m fine now but he’s still not so sure about that and will check on me regularly. I’ve been sick for 3/4 of our relationship and he has never let me down, how can you not love someone like that?

  10. I love watching him cook/grill. I can tell that’s his happy place by how relaxed and at peace he seems while cooking. I also know that I’m going to enjoy whatever he makes so it’s a win-win situation.

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