Since my last breakup a few months ago, I’ve been making great strides and effort to meet more people, both in terms of friendship and romantically. The friendship part has worked out fairly well so far, but I’m at a bit of a loss now for the romantic part.

A bit about me and where I am:

I’m 23m, AuDHD, and a huge nerd (big surprise on Reddit, I know). I work a 9-5 office job and overall have a pretty stable life. One could argue I have it all together.

I am no longer in school after graduating college a couple years ago.

Physically, my attractiveness is middling, but I do have a lot going for me in most other aspects.

Romantically, I can be a lot to handle, especially in the beginning. It’s a problem that I’m working on.

The area I live in is not massive, but is by no means small. Around 300,000 people.

Methods I have recently tried meeting people though include but are not limited to:

Dating apps, both popular and niche

Local game store events

The local kink community

Reconnecting with old friends

Various Reddit personals (responding mostly. I have posted in the past, but not recently)

There are likely other ones that escape me at the moment.

Any ideas for other methods too meet people in a romantic regard? Priority would be towards meeting them locally. I don’t do long distance unless the distance is going to last less no more than a year or so.

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