I just can’t figure it out.

I’m okay until I open my mouth

I’m a trainwreck when I talk. There’s nothing going on in my head. I can’t hold a proper conversation to save my life.

I’m awkward. I’m not funny or rather I’m an acquired taste when it comes to humour.

Most of my friends are assholes or addicts who I’ve realized are only my ‘friends’ because I don’t judge them. I have so few real friends.

I’m in my 30s and my social life is non existent. I mean, being short and having the body of a heroin addict doesn’t help, but even still I don’t think any woman has had ‘a crush’ on me since high school and people aren’t really drawn to me.

I don’t leave a good impression on people. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who’s said “Wow, that guy was great!” after meeting me.

Some people never figure it out. I’m one of those people. Time is passing but I’ve been standing still my entire life.

I don’t.. I’m so tired. How do I people?

  1. I was you. Some days i still am you. I think i have answers that will help you. But this message may get long. I feel for you because i have the same issues. My best advice for you will come first and the less good advice will follow.

    1. Start working out.
    (Women like strong men. And you will be more confident if you feel good about the way you look. Working out takes a lot to gain results so start right away and be consistent)
    2. Go get a job where you work around people. Restaurant worker or grocery store clerk. Find a job where you talk to co-workers a lot to do business.
    3. Buy new clothes. Get clothes that make you look sharp. You will like the way it makes you feel and people will notice the change and want to approach you more often.
    4. Buy cologne and keep hygiene up. Smell and look good Its not always easy i know, but its a big one.
    5. Get involved in a sport or hoby. Write a book or build something. (Do things that keep your mind from wondering. Give yourself things to do so that you always have things to talk about.
    6. Smile for no reason in public. Practice eye contact and smiling at people. It took me forever to learn how important it is that people believe you are paying attention and that you are in a good enough mood to talk to. A smile makes you appear approachable, and eye contact says “I’m listening”
    7. Listen to people more than you talk. Ask questions. Dont look for things to say, listen for things you would like to know more about.
    8. Be interested in people and people will be interested in you.
    9. Never talk about work or the weather. Find something else to say even if it is not a safe topic.
    10. Have more respect for yourself. Just thinking you are not interesting is disrespectful to yourself. Find people who don’t do drugs or party and hang out where they hang out. Or go get a hobby as i said earlier. Put yourself around a better class of people. Reach a higher standard than you already know how to reach. Working out teaches consistency and it is good for your mind as well. It forges discipline and character in you to have a routine workout plan. Be the best you that you can be and you will never feel unworthy of attention. Just love yourself a little more every day. Good luck. And i know you can do it. I did.

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