Hi fine people of Reddit,

So I’m a 38 y.o. Male virgin. I am not particularly embarrassed about this, and there are things I’d like to do better in life… but I am feeling way behind everyone else here and I am not sure if I can fix it. I first kissed someone at Age 35. I am really just not good at escalating physically. I’ve struggled with the confidence in thinking someone would actually want to go there with me. The “right time” has just come very rarely and I failed to make the move when I should have with people I liked. I was (am) shy and while I probably would have gone for it if someone had grabbed my hand and said let’s go, but that didn’t happen. Now there are people out there with nearly fully grown kids and the most I’ve ever done is just kissed someone. That’s it. Nothing else.

It’s hard to write this without sounding like a bit of a pity post, so I am trying not to. But I am really not sure how I navigate the dating scene now where people expect me to know certain things and I just don’t.

I guess I just see 40 around the corner and I’m in a world where I’m basically Steve Carrell from a certain movie hoping someone doesn’t run away when they find out (And yes, I will tell them, I feel like people deserve to know). Am I over thinking this and need to get over myself a little bit here and just get my bad habits fixed and try to escalate better with people I like? It seemed to be so much easier for friends to escalate and have that reciprocated. I am not sure how I can finally put myself in a light where someone wants to be with me instead of being in this light where people would be embarrassed to be with me. I know there’s a confidence issue here, but how does that improve when the past you have to draw on makes the narrative?

Why am I even writing this post? I do not know. Be safe out there friends,
Fault double fault

  1. You’re not screwed. Literally 😂

    Seriously, you probably just need to go for it a bit more. Say fuck it and try a little harder. If you have never gotten rejected or stopped because you tried to escalate too quickly for a lady, then you probably are still moving too slowly and hesitantly. You can probably escalate a lot faster than you think.

  2. I’ma keep it real with you chief. It’s time to lie. That’s how it goes. Men embellish their sexual history, while women hide/downplay theirs. Right? No. Reality? Yes

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