does anyone else observe the way others are so disconnected from peoples conversations and does anyone else steuggle to actually get conversations going or lasting as long as they wouldve done when phones were either a tiddly flip or sliding phone? nae fecking wonder people are depressed and lonely its because they cant think of anything other than whats on their devices and them big tech comps have totally pushed for lack of social communication among society

I find it so rude when other people pull out their phones whilst your talking to them, they look anywhere else but at the person thats talking to them, theyll make excuses they are listening! But these days I can tell when they arent bothered in the slightest, its obvious so blatantly obvious that people are less and less bothered about what others are saying to them because it isnt about themselves oooh shock horror!!! Then they have the audacity to try to converse with you about something so unrelated and demand your attention!!!

Oh but they cant seem to spare a bit more effort to sound interested for more than a few minutes these days people absolutely suck to talk too be it online or offline im just done with trying to get anywhere with others theyre becoming impossible to communicate and dont dare to comment on them or point out their habits cause theylk just flip the switch and point out yours because theyre so perfect individuals themselves

I have had teachers, literal teachers bring out their phones whilst I were trying to discuss things with them. A tutor even kept bringing up someone elses relationship problems whilst I were trying to discuss with her about why I werent coming to her classes because she were a nightmare to be around simple as that

It is half arsed effort on other peoples part then I only get asked why the long face? Uh why do you fucking think? Oh wait thats right people dont think nor listen anymore unless its on the telly or mainstream media

  1. Im literally this close to ditching any previous smart phone for a basic one because I have had it with people being so preoocupied to not bother to converse properly or maturely because what they see and read online is more important than those around them

  2. News Flash, you can’t control other people’s behaviour. Never have, never will.

  3. Maybe you’re one of those annoying people who loves the sound of their own voice and forces people to have conversations with you. Also, for the eye contact, some of us are autistic lmao

  4. humans are programmed to be self centered, our reality resolves around our perception of it

  5. Hey OP, I find this behavior extremely frustrating too! You aren’t alone. I sent you a PM for a community you may feel more heard in

  6. Sorry, what was that? I was reading this post on Reddit. You got the check right?

  7. I love using my phone, mainly Reddit since I’m an information addict. Usually if I’m on my phone is because I’m interested in something and am reading about it.

    That said, if someone is talking to me I’ll give them my full attention and actually have a conversation.

  8. Because people are not concentrating on the conversation. This happens to me when I’m watching a tv program and am on Reddit for example. I find that reading a t the same time as watching tv leads me to not follow the tv program at all. So you have to focus your attention to listen attentively and not get distracted by multi-tasking it.

  9. My mother bought my grandmother one of those Alexa Speakers. It scares her half to death more often than not.
    I love the way you think, it’s like I’m having a conversation with myself haha.
    I can not stand how selfish and self involved most people are these days. My feelings do not stem from jealousy, it’s just frustrating seeing all of these people fight for the flight to fame. It’s constant. This trend, this filter, etc.
    Do I take photos of myself? Not often, and when I do, do I share them across the interwebs? No, I do not. Nine times out of ten, I have a daughter I’m trying to shield from social media in the shot, too.
    I haven’t watched the news in years. I get my daily tid-bit, but I no longer submerge myself in it. It’s depressing, and too many this side/that side. I have my views on many things, but I also don’t feel the need to be perpetually heard-let alone on a constant basis.

  10. From reading your comments here, it looks like you’re just seeking validation for your opinion on this.

  11. I have a problem with this. Not so much the phone. But I dissociate a lot. It looks so rude and I can’t help it sometimes. It’s gotten better

  12. As another commenter pointed out, your post reads like a rant, so maybe my question/observation is uncalled for.
    Are you talking the same way in person as you’re writing on here – ranting (as in contextual as well as it reads kinda “rushed”), being sarcastic, a bit condescending? If yes, people might not want to be part of that conversation, rather getting nagged on, in a unsympathic way, thus looking for a way out of the situation.

    I completely agree with the point you’re making, how rude it is depends on the situation though I guess:
    Talking to a friend about XYZ? – Rude to halfass it.
    Stranger/Anyone trying to force some small talk? Taking out my phone hoping they get the hint I am not in the mood to talk (as it’s kinda not socially accepted to just walk away or tell someone to shut the fck up).

  13. I can’t concentrate if i am looking directly at you the whole time you’re talking, sorry

  14. Guess it must be my fault for differing in opinions im such an arsehole for saying how i felt im the twat for people deciding how they can view me based on what i say. You can all go fuck yourselves sorry im done with social media it is garbage one sided jargon that has kids acting offended by a mere opinion.

  15. Yeah it sucks and I have ended many friendships because of this. Whenever they talk I listen with full attention and I am good at listening although I have trouble with focusing on a long stories and can’t help zoning out but I force myself to focus because I am polite. In return when I talk? They start looking away or multitasking and it is really annoying, I gave them fully attention and eye contact, nodding, face expressions but they can’t even look at me when I talk to them. It is just hard to not taking this small stuff personally. I just can’t take it anymore and I’m fine being alone most of the time.

  16. I’ve seen it go both directions: half listening can help someone to get the idea of what you are saying or getting at without being confrontational and focusing on the conversation instead of the other person, or half listening appear to send the message they don’t care.

    In either case, it shouldn’t be hard to adapt to the other person’s style of communication though can be annoying sometimes when they clearly don’t care enough to give you proper attention.

  17. Be honest here. When people lose interest, is it because you’re chatting about yourself and your interests?

    Last week, the computers went down where I work. So we just sat around for 45 minutes. This dude chats with me and tells me all about his back injury and how he’s fighting with lawyers. He has no interest in me. The conversation is all about him. Obviously, I’m going to check my phone.

    If this is you, no wonder people lose interest. The conversation has to be more about others.

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