I’m just a curious guy

  1. Some replies here are really sweet and helps to be more confident. And sometimes I just want to learn a bit about men’s (in common) preferences or way of thinking.

  2. I personally feel like women are very curious about the ins and outs of men so they come here to ask questions.

    It is very common (i’d say daily) to find a post with a woman asking something akin to “men of reddit, what are your thoughts on X).

    It’s probably good they come to us rather then to speculate on r/askwomen or something like that.

  3. dude here, but I think its due to r/askwomen being censored to the point of creating an echo chamber.

  4. 95% of the answers here are

    – talk to him
    – men don’t care
    – all men don’t like the same stuff

  5. Because men don’t talk to women and women want to know why you do the things you do. Men come off as secretive. Since women wear their emotion, women assume men are secretive. Men can literally live two lives and not blink an eye. Men will post their true thoughts here out of safety and it gives women an insight to how men think. It is interesting.

    (In my opinion)

  6. Women who are civil, friendly and generally curious to see men’s POV without making it about women are amazing. These female users are more than welcome and I enjoy having their input.

    The toxic ones who just want to be shitty towards men and gaslight us nonstop and try to discredit men’s feelings and issues by screaming “Women have it worse!!!” on a subreddit about MENS perspectives are not welcome and breaks several rules. Most importantly number 1. For example; if someone asks men here to talk about their past bad ex relationships or stories of someone not take rejection in dating well… screaming “Yeah well women have it worse” is pointless. Just trying to change the subject and make men feel bad or gulit trip them for simply talking about their experiences as a man in these situations. These types need to just go away if they hate us so much (And yes I’m fully aware some toxic shitty men do this on women centered subreddits too. They suck too)

    But don’t get me wrong. Vast majority of the women members in this subreddit are amazing and friendly. It’s the rare odd annoying toxic ones who seem to hate men yet come to this subreddit seeking validation from men that irks me. But the amazing ones are 110% welcome

  7. meh, being a man is more a state of mind anyways. Besides, other perspectives are useful in life.

  8. Even though I’m not a woman, this is a sub about asking men questions, so I guess I’ll answer. It’s most likely because we’ll answer with either a straightforward answer or an obvious joke that you can clearly tell isn’t meant to be taken seriously, not be an echo chamber like many of the other ask subs, and not remove posts/answers while banning users because they broke one of thirty-five (sometimes contradicting) rules.

  9. I’m not looking for an emotional reaction… I’m looking for a true reaction. I don’t need sugar coating. I need truth.

  10. Most of these comments have it right. I’m curious about the intricacies of mens’ minds. I also find that this subreddit is often quite lighthearted, fun, and honest, and that’s such a breath of fresh air. And I figure if I want to know what men think, it’s smarter to go to the source than ask other women who think they know better.

    Also, r/AskWomen is a scary place and gives me anxiety. Honestly, I’ve noticed that any space with feminists tends to turn into a not-so-friendly space where I feel like I have to walk on eggshells.

    I’m also a lurker rather than a poster. I try to avoid responding in posts because I’m not a man 🙂

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