I know this is gonna seem very juvenile and that’s because it is. But try to just look at the bigger picture. So around a year ago now i had a friend online who hasn’t gotten along with my actual friends irl and ive mainly tried to keep them apart but there seemed to be a resolve around like January but the thing is friend 1 told the online friend that they were working on a project together and not to tell anybody else about it and long story short i got him to tell me about it and the irl found out and tore into the online friend about it and he has hated him since only speaking on very rare occasions while the online friend seems to have genuinely changed and is a better person since then but the irl friend doesn’t seem to expect that and he said to me “he can die with me not liking him” and the online friend keeps pestering me about talking to him but i keep saying no because i know its gonna end up blowing up in my face and then they dont want to be friends with me but he doesn’t seem to get it and now im trying to bring back that civil environment so any advice is appreciated

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