I have a really hard time reading out loud and putting my thoughts into words, especially under pressure, I’m definitely Nuro divergent. I have a really bad ADHD. What works for you guys?

  1. Allow silence between thoughts. Rather than trying to fill it with mindless prattle. When you have reached the point of the content you are trying to express stop talking. Take time to listen actively listen to the other person talking then add your own comments to the conversation.

  2. I recommend 100 words that are used well for nearly all situations.

    For example, the word “burden” knocks out a lot of sentences like, “sorry to ask but…”

    The word “landscape” is great for explaining the overall area of a subject. Same with the word, “environment”; it helps explain everything that a system interacts with.

  3. Speak like you normally do, but leave silence instead of filler words. Practice a LOT, script conversations with yourself for like, ordering a coffee but they got it wrong, asking for something on an airplane, etc. Eventually the silences will shorten and disappear eventually. As a California valley girl, I can attest to this helping to scrub all the “likes” and “ums” our of my speech.

    You can also try the foreign accent technique. Practice your very best foreign accent (my favorite is a very badly done cockney English), say a few lines aloud. Now…….imagine the accent in your head while speaking aloud WITHOUT the accent. Like in your head you’re saying “I’d like an extra large macchiato” in a, say, Bond villain Russian accent, but open your mouth and have it come out in your normal accent.

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