I got creeped out by it…

  1. I’ve never asked, but I’ve been with a few girls who enjoyed calling me that, and honestly, when I’m balls deep in her she could call me Gunther Bunyunface McGillicunty and I would still think it’s hot.

  2. I never have, but we really need a pinned post that most of the time it’s women asking to call their bf Daddy. Along with that it’s just an aspect of the Dom/Sub dynamic, not much more to it than that.

  3. I didn’t ask, but around 38 they just started. I’m all for it. I was not a fan of being called papa whenever a gf was asking me for something. ‘Yes, Daddy’ = Good; ‘Please Papa’=Bad

  4. Yeah I did, with the first (and only) girl I got serious with

    Was super into it, even though her dad definitely didn’t approve

  5. No I don’t ask. That’s not very “daddy-like” now is it?

    Instead, I’ll just show her a good time and if she blurts it out in the heat of the moment – I definitely don’t mind 😉

  6. In a joking way, I have, and I think the reason is because I found it kind of kinky.

  7. Hard No. I find incest disturbing. I knew a couple incest victims. It’s not sexy it’s creepy as hell.

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