I don’t know exactly what to name the title. But I have a friend lets call her B. She’s a cowoker. And her fathers name is H. We are all pretty good with each other. We have great conversations. They like me, I like them. But I feel like something is off.

Im a bit extroverted so I usually text them when I feel like it. When I text B she usually responds, but recently she hasn’t been responding. But we have conversations at work all the time. I know she’s depressed, and I know her and her family are going through something but I can’t help but feel anxious about it. Its a hard dynamic to battle. I don’t want to feel like im intruding into their space, but I also want to conversate. So I feel bad for texting while I also feel bad for not texting. I want to be the best possible person I can be for this specific situation but im bothered with my overthinking. Am I not reading the room properly? Should I back off? Im very socially inexperienced so I don’t want things to go bad. I talked to my therapist about my social and he told me everything should be fine. And I believe things are fine too, but I simultaneously believe that Im doing everything all wrong despite the fact that I haven’t done much. What do I do?

1 comment
  1. Just be a kind, supportive friend. Don’t dive deeper. If she wants to talk she’ll talk, if not, she won’t. You aren’t going to solve her issues and no one is going to solve yours. You just do the best you can, that’s it. Depression is a spectrum, some are very depressed, some less so, we are all on a spectrum of depression, much like all psychological issues.

    Like Jung talked about, we are all trying to be whole. None of us will get there, but we are moving towards getting there.

    Lighten up, it isn’t your job to save anyone but yourself. How old are you? How old is B? How old is H, after all, it is more his responsibility to help B.

    Good luck to you, B, and H.

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