TLDR :i am getting the vibes that i am the backup plan

So this start´s almost 3 years ago. I met a girl, and we hit it off.

Both fresh out of relationship´s, we took things kinda of slow, after 3 moth´s of speaking everyday and a few dates, i got blocked on everthing.

Passes almost a year, i get a message from her asking for forgiveness, i lister to her side, supposedly she talked about me to her friend´s and they told her that i will hurt her, that they know me and i am a asshole ( never met this person´s in my life). I kinda belive as she says that she cut ties with them, as she eard speaking bad about her.

We start to again,allot of situation appear on her life, parent´s getting divorce, so again everthing with calm and slow. know she doest asnwer so many times as before, but life changed so is okay.

After 6 moth´s we stop complety of speaking. and i see a story of a love post. and i understand that was for someone else i texted her and she admit´s she is in a relationship, i just told her good luck

So 2 weeks ago she text me… saying that 2 moths ago she broke up and wanted to speak with…. i am getting the vibes of Plan B, i am right?

note: english is not my first language, so sorry for any mistake.


  1. Oh I’m sorry to put it like this but you’re not even plan b. You’re the guy she calls when she’s got nobody else in her life. You’re her comfort blanket.

    This happened to my husband before we got together. He was picked up and put down by his ex a few times before he realised what she was doing, cut contact with her and blocked her.

    This woman will not stop contacting you. Even if you tell her that you don’t want to see/speak to her again, I guarantee, in six months when she’s between boyfriends, she’ll be in contact again.

    The best thing that you can do for your self respect and sanity is tell her that you want no more contact with her and block her across all platforms. Don’t even give her the chance to try to worm her way back into your life.

    I’m sorry that you’re going through this. What she’s doing to you is so shitty but you have a choice as to whether or not you allow it to happen a third time.

  2. Yes, you’re plan B. Or plan C or D or whatever. Unfortunately you’re not a priority in her life and that’s the dealbreaker. Run, do not walk, away from this girl and don’t look back. You need and deserve better ; someone who will make you #1.

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