I, 19f just started talking to someone 23m from a dating app a couple days ago. We started talking a lot, like all day and almost all night. he moved to Canada 4 years ago from India and told me that I’m the first Canadian girl he’s talked to

Since we’re gonna go on a date, I told him tonight that I’m Christian and won’t have sex till marriage so I told him not to expect anything. Before that, we both agreed we’re not looking for casual dating. So I said he has the right to ghost me if he doesn’t like the fact I won’t have sex. Then he told me he doesn’t think of me less and that he will not ghost me. But after that, he said something that I’m confused about. He said “I promise, if this goes well, I will want to be your husband” does that sound like something a player will say? Or am I used to shitty men? We haven’t even met eachother. I’m confused. He seems really genuine so far! What are some red flags and green flags I should look out for when we start going out?

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