TL;DR!- my boyfriends admiration has been slowly fading and i cant tell if its him just getting comfortable or if hes getting tired of me?

i met my boyfriend about 2 years ago through a mutual interest in twitch streaming and playing video games. we spent every night on discord video chatting and our chemistry was magical, we couldnt help but fall madly and deeply in love with eachother. this was a love like NO OTHER, i had been in a relationship for 6+ years prior to meeting this boy, and this boy gave me feelings in just a few months that my ex of 6 years could never. this boy gave me the safest place to be myself, we were truly deeply connected, we were very real and honest with eachother and very caring and always thinking of the others needs and feelings. it was a love that was made in the frikken movies, the type you read in books. and to know that it was mutual, and not just me feeling this way, he was also feeling this way. i believe this person is truly my twinflame, when i met him it was meeting the other part of myself, the part of myself that i always felt something was just missing in my life, never knew what it was until i met him. he showed me the parts of myself i feared most and made me confront them and grow so beautifully and healthy, because he gave me so much support and love. (we are in a long distance relationship too), we dont get to see eachother often, we met online, met in person, and clicked in person even more than we did online. we have stayed loyal and committed, and we have seen eachother ever few months we will take turns flying across the country to visit for a week at a time. ANYWAYS- were about to reach our 2 year anniversary and we are still going strong, we are still in love, we still care for another, we still keep eachother safe and its just a very very good and beautiful relationship, but we did hit a really bad arguing phase, and oh my gosh, when i tell you arguing with him is so frustrating because he is the guy version of me therefor im arguing with myself basically. but we get through are arguments like any other couple, we fought for eachother every time and still never gave up, and we never ever talk about breaking up, we never yell or raise our voices, we dont curse at eachother or name call, it is truly such a great relationship. BUT- we still keep argung… and now these arguments have seemed to slowly kill our healthy habits of being kind to eachother and communicating our feelings, it caused us to start being more silent, more worried to start arguments if we say things. but we still get through them and never give up but now these past arguments effect our current ones, and now its almost seems these arguments are effecting our love? like the beautiful innocence of our relationship died and it feels like a part of me died with it because the love we had was so pure and real and raw, and its like we fricked it up and its damaged now. and i cant help but feel like love fades over time or if its just me overthinking and facing another trauma to trust that people ARE CAPABLE of loving you forever. my ex who i dated for 6 years was madly in love with me when we first met, and then over time i watched him completely 360 and absolutely could care less about me, and it traumatized me. then i see people around me like my parents, who were in love but 20 years into marriage just barely love and just live like roomates. and same with many friend’s relationships too. i cant tell if love just truly fades with time and fades with more time spent with someone. why does it exist forever in me? but no one else? and this goes aside from the honeymoon phase which i clearly know isnt forever. but im talking about the love that comes after that, the beautiful kind soft love. howcome with years and years the more time you spend with someone its like the less they respect you and love you? like they grow so tired of them? i cant help but feel little signs in my relationship going that way, but i also cant help but tell myself that maybe im overthinking bc this is a deeply rooted fear of mine, i even always told him this in the beginning, and he promised me to never turn into that cold person with no reaction, and idk man. like this relationship is so special to me, i love him so much hes such a great guy to me, i just believe in love that lasts forever, and its not unrealistic because it exists within me, i have that love that i can give to someone forever, no mateer the time, i just hope it exists out there for me too. just want to know some advice from an outsider, anything helps

its just the love that me and this boy shared is so special and we both know it, so to ever see it turn into every other relationship ive seen around me is terrifying and would destroy me. i dont know how i would ever handle that. i will love this man forever, for rhe rest of my time on this earth and for every life afterwards i would choose him over and over. we go through such a tough time with our long distance but the fact we fight for eachother shows how much we truly do love another, so believe me i know the love is there still, im just worried it will fade overtime.. people say it can be comfortability which i totally understand too but why does passion fade while attatchment grows stronger?
like maybe is it just the long distance taking a toll?
is it my fears creating this into reality?
what can i do to stop it from happening? what can i do to keep passion alive? we are SO limited being in long distance it sucks, we can only facetime so much, talk on the phone, play games, watch movies. we used to stay up all night talking until the sun comes up, now most our nights we are silent, he used to always look at me with admiration, now i never catch his eyes anymore, but now and then when he sees me doing something new like cooking on facetime he watches in admiration & will take pictures of me being goofy eating a cupcake. so im confused, his love and admiration is there still but its slowly becoming less n less. he used to type paragraphs to me goodmorning texts and how much he adores me and now sometimes he even forgets to send me a goodmorning text, but still most days he will send me a nice message to wake up to. so i see his effort there still, i iust dont want it to end 🙁

1 comment
  1. GIRL it’s the beginings that are so passionate , blazed call it what you wish

    but then it’s not sustainable ,it never is … okay maybe try to make more effort here and there to spark something nice , but it cannot stay as it was in the beginning

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