Ok, so I’m being very dramatic here but is it so bad to want to date

– A man of God (dosen’t have to be strict [I’m not right now] but at least believes, I can work with that)!
– A Gym Goer, lifts weights ie could bench press my weight (70kg) easily. (I love a big, muscly man!)
– Taller than me (I’m 5’6, but of course the taller the better, I won’t lie)
– A man that likes to engage in intellectual and thought provoking discussions
– A man with strong family values
– A well educated man
– A man that practices celibacy (or at least would)!
– A man that doesn’t engage in Pornography
– A Masculine man (duh🤭)
– A man that has ✨lover boy energy✨ for his S/O
– A man that has strong male friendships
– A charismatic and witty man
– A man with a provider mentality
– A Generous and Kind man but not easily accessible to women
– A man with a low social media presence or little regard for the online world

I realise this is quite a comprehensive list and perhaps many will judge me for it and that’s ok. This is just my ideal candidate for who I’d want to date moving forward.

I’ve talked to guys who didn’t share my values and views and even dated one and it showed me how important they are.

Before any of you come for me I would completely expect this guy to have a list too and yes I wouldn’t mind if he has a particular body type that he would love too. I’ll admit I kinda fit the current beauty standard and keep myself incredibly fit so that wouldn’t phase me. I just hate that because of my looks and my derrière, to put it politely (all natural before you ask lool), or maybe just by virtue of being a woman idk, I attract all the wasps with the bees, if any 😭.

Sorry for this rant part lool but if any men reading fits my preferences hit me up I guess haha (look at me shooting my shot haha lool 🤡😂)

To any ladies who could lend an ear or advice please help if you can (how did you meet your S/O or what strategy do you use to pool for who you look for etc

And to any Christian single women feeling the same as myself… Happy Husband Hunting I guess, may the odds be ever in your favour 😂💀

  1. General rule (not always true): men who lift like women who lift. That isn’t necessarily a purely aesthetic thing – maintaining a lifting body typically requires 10+ hours/week of gym time, so we tend to like women that have the same hobby as it’s more conducive to hanging out. Have you looked for a Christian weight lifting group within your Church, or at nearby Churches? If you can’t find one…would you consider starting one?

  2. Most young people are no longer religious.

    You’re going to have fewer options than secular folks will.

    You’d probably only find someone like this at a church. And to be blunt — I never found church folks to care much about physical fitness. Spoken as a former Christian myself.

  3. I fit the description minus the celibacy part and that isnt Subject to change sorry 😂. So there are candidates out there, good luck

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