Not sure if this technically fits the sub?

I like a girl I work with and she is definitely is into me as well. She’ll initiate conversations with me, she’s drunk texted me on numerous occasions, she’ll tell me random shit about her day, etc… However I’m 99% sure there is another guy she is interested in and I’ve always had a hunch but now I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on. This hunch I had is the reason I’ve never asked her out or reciprocated her flirting beyond just being engaged in our conversations over text. Hell I’m even her second best friend on Snapchat which means I’m at least somewhere near the top of her list

she’s also known him a lot longer than she’s known me, she actually used to refer to him as her “friend” until I started getting suspicious and realized that probably isn’t going on.

Maybe he really is just her best friend if something but I don’t know, I’m just not gonna be responsive to her if she reaches out again, if she wants me she can come get me

My thoughts are that if she’s known this guy longer than she’s known me and is interested in both of us but he’s the only one who’s actively trying, then she probably likes me more? I don’t see why else a girl would still act really into a guy who doesn’t seem to reciprocate her feelings when she’s got another guy she’s known longer that’s actually trying to get her.

So I guess what I’m asking is

1.) Does it seem like she likes me?

2.) If yes, how do I play it? I don’t want to drop her but I also don’t want to give her attention and seem needy. I want her to believe I am unphased but what she does

3.) Does my last paragraph have any sort of basis in reality?

TLDR; I like a girl, she seems to like me back but I think she is also interested in a guy she has known longer

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