I went on a date with a girl that has been pretty hard to schedule with (she traveled, then I traveled, she previously cancelled due to “family issues” etc)

We went for a walk, ate some food, went for drinks and then she came to my house afterwards. We talked a lot and had fun the whole late night, but nothing physical happened at my place.

I had to pick a flight early in the morning for a weekend trip and it was already 5 am so I walked her back home (she lives 5 minutes walking away from my place)

At her doorstep I asked her for a kiss, which she declined saying she “wants to go slowly” and that she is worried that it could affect her friendship with a mutual girl friend of ours (we met via this mutual friend). However, she said she enjoyed our time together and felt comfortable with me.

I said OK and continued texting with her during my weekend trip. Once I was back home I asked her if she would like to cook something and have some wine at home later in the week, and she said OK.

When the day came she said she misunderstood and thought I was referring to a group gathering with the extended group of mutual friends.

I was frustrated and just said “sorry, I meant only you and me but that’s OK” and stopped texting her altogether.

However, I later asked her to return my house keys to a mutual friend (during our date I asked her to take a look at my pet while I was gone for the weekend), but I found out she didn’t in the end.

We haven’t talked for a bit but I’m wondering if I should restart the convo, since she still likes almost every IG story I post. At the same time she is leaving for her hometown next week (at least for 3 to 6 months) so I’m running out of time if I’m going to make a move or not.

Should I continue texting her or just move on? I’m fine with just missing that copy of my keys at this point. I’m confused because I think I’m receiving mixed signals of interest from her, and after the kiss attempt I made it very clear that I’m interested in her.


TL;DR: I finally went on a date with a girl after scheduling issues. We had a good time, but she declined a kiss, wanting to go slowly. Later, she misunderstood my invite for a solo dinner as a group event. I stopped texting her out of frustration but now wonder if I should restart the conversation, especially since she’s leaving town soon and continues to like my social media posts. I’m unsure whether to pursue her or move on, especially since she still has a copy of my house keys.

  1. Not really receiving mixed signals, it’s just clear she really doesn’t like you more than a friend.

  2. What are the mixed signals or messages? I’m not seeing any.

    It doesn’t seem like she’s really interested and her actions and words back that up.

    Just in the future, don’t give up your house keys to people you’re not really friends with or in a relationship with.

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