Hello people of Reddit

There is a problem I have been facing with my relationship that I would like to share with everyone and hope to get feedback on. So lately my girlfriend has been arguing with me a lot over small things and larger things. Sometimes she will make an argument out of things that really shouldn’t even be brought up. Now I am not perfect and I have been making mistakes lately in the sense of not showing as much empathy as I should or not showing that I care as much as I should. We argued last night about this and I owned up to my mistakes and told her I would genuinely work on it. The problem is that I tried to bring up the fact that I hate the style she brings up conflict in which she gets angry, yells, and comes off very aggressively. I told her it would be so much more positive for the relationship if we didn’t argue or fight and rather just talked about our issues in a manner that would be best reciprocated. She instantly shut down this idea with “this is how I was raised” and “when I am passionate about my feelings I may yell and if I do I do” followed by “I won’t change the way I do this and if that’s not good enough for you, then you can leave”. This is really upsetting because it feels like I’m willing to admit my mistakes and try to find a solution to do better for her and our relationship yet it seems as she will not make any effort to change. I hate arguing so much and I never even raise my voice during an argument which Im sure aggravates her. I just don’t know what to do heading forward. Advice would help….

TLDR: I admitted I made mistakes and want to do better, girlfriend refuses to change things that bother me.

  1. Let me give you a piece of advice. If anyone says something to the tune of, “If you don’t like it, then leave.” Oblige them and walk out.

  2. It took me a long time to realize what your girlfriend has yet to discover but it is not up to you to deal with that

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