Long story short, I’d say I am fairly attractive and tall(6’2ft) and work at a tech startup in London. At work, it’s just 3 older admin assistants, so my options here are limited.

My hobbies are gym, football, and movies. I also enjoy reading but have rarely been to a bookstore or library. I’ve tried going to clubs where I do get a lot of attention from girls, but none of them are truly relationship-worthy and I’m not really a fan of clubs. I’ve liked 2 girls from my gym and asked them both out with no luck. One had a boyfriend and the other said she is not ready to see anyone, because she just got out of a relationship(probably a polite rejection).

I’ve tried dating apps and absolutely hate them. I understand the ratio of men to women is just super high and for some reason, I also got banned on Hinge which was the only place I was matching with really cute girls. I did get dates there, but nothing really worked out.

So my question is, where can I actually meet girls?

I am in my late 20’s, btw.

  1. Meetup groups or speed dating. Move to a houseshare with women living there because they likely have female friends. You should try to meet women in general and then find new social circles based on that. Ask women to set you up or invite you to events.

  2. Guess its time to create some channel for reddit folks who wanna date? Or is there one created already?

  3. Man you sound like me a decade ago. But I had no idea I was attractive, just that I was 6’2” and I was pretty sure women liked that. You are ahead of me in that you sound pretty confident and you even know when you’re being politely rejected. You’re ahead of the game. Now you just need to learn how to go to the RIGHT places and approach women in the wild. It took me until my late 30’s AND leaving an toxic and abusive marriage to get to this point but I think I have some good advice for you.

    1. Go to public, non-threatening settings. A dog park or grocery store are my go-to and I usually am there anyway. I don’t “go looking” for women. I just keep an eye out in places I’m already going anyway.

    2. Don’t have the goal of getting a number. Just make it a goal to brighten her day. Be genuine. This will make you feel confident and at ease because you’re setting a low bar for yourself. Remember even if she isn’t feeling it, you probably still made her feel good about herself. Then you accomplished you’re goal. This way, EVERY approach is a win. Not just the ones where you got a number.

    3. Don’t compliment her natural looks. Compliment something she put work into. Her outfit, her hair, whatever. Think of something a woman would compliment another woman on. Show her that her effort is noticed.

    4. Have a plan. Not just “wanna go somewhere sometime.” Have a place in mind and at least a range of days. “I’d love to take you out to my favorite restaurant this weekend if you’re interested.”

    5. Only use dating apps as a supplement to cast a wider net. Even tall attractive men are at a disadvantage there. Women get 100 likes a day. It’s skewed HORRIBLY and you have to practically be a super hero to truly stand out. But YOU have the advantage in the real world because you very well might be the only guy with the balls to approach her this week. You stand out right off the bat.

    Sounds like you have a lot going for you already and you’re pretty conscious of that and of what you have to offer. Now all you have to do is use what you’ve got. I’m confident you’ll have success.

  4. Start getting beauty treatments salons are full of women who take care of themselves and you will likely be the centre of attention

  5. I would say go to places where those kinds of women hang out. Maybe take up a new hobby or start attending local events? Libraries, coffee shops, church, volunteering groups, sports teams, board game nights, local meet ups etc. you might be able to bond with someone who has similar hobbies.

  6. Generally expanding your social circle would be a good first step. Pick some of your favorite and most extroverted football buddies and invite them to hang out with you in a non-football context. As you get closer, they’ll probably invite you to hang out/party with them in other contexts, and you’ll get to meet their other friends. Then, you can pick out a few of your faves in those groups and repeat the process. With enough iterations, your social graph will include a bunch of single women. Because they’re friends with your friends, they’ll be more likely to be the sort of person you’d want to go out with.

    Going to libraries/bookstores is also a good call, especially if you go to events where there are drinks, socializing, etc. Reading is a gender-imbalanced hobby, and being able to talk about books (especially literary fiction) well is something that a lot of smart girls think is hot. Doubles as an opportunity for making more friends.

    Being tall, handsome, relatively well-off, and probably decently socially skilled will help you along here; even people who don’t want to date you will be relatively more open to being your friend.

  7. “I’m an attractive man and I live the one of the most densely populated areas of Europe, where do I find 50% of the human race?”

  8. My brother met his girlfriend, stopping her on the street complementing her shoes or bag. Otherwise when I was a student in my master, I’ve had guys come to talk to me when I was studying at cafes ( I was in a relationship at the time being) but it can definitely works.

  9. honestly if you travel often airports are where you will find single people and I always see cute guys (and girls) at airports especially at the bars there. Also try yoga classes at your gym or any yoga studio cuz its almost always guaranteed to have more women there

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