Men dating/ married do you have close friendships with other women? What do you do with your friends?

  1. Yeah. We all get together and hang out. Play board games, go to karaoke, get day drunk at brunch, you know, stuff couples do.

  2. We both have friends of the opposite gender and we treat them like normal friends. Some examples include talking shit to them, helping them out if needed, to just simply hanging out and watching TV. It’s just about having trust and not being insecure.

  3. The only women I would consider myself close to would be my wife’s friends and friends girlfriends. But I don’t hang out with them singularly – not because my wife would care but just because it seems odd to me.

    Every platonic friendship I had with a woman at some point turned into something sexual. At some point, things always start to get flirty even if only being playful, and that starts to stoke the flames to turn into something more. That could take months or years, but in my experience it always happens. That of course is just my own life experience and I’m sure it’s different for others, but I would find it inappropriate to have a female friend that wasn’t also just as close to my wife.

  4. None of us really bother leaving our houses to be social anymore, but back in the day: pub, gigs, cinema if there’s something on we both wanted to see, chat about shared hobbies and interests.

  5. >other women


    >What do you do with your friends?

    They’re mostly guys so guy things

  6. I wouldn’t call the women I know friends, to be honest. Maybe acquaintances and colleagues.

  7. If I happen to be friends with a female while in a relationship I set clear boundaries. I mention my gf every chance I get, I do that anyway cause I love her quite a lot. But I make sure gf is in the loop at all times, and the important thing is not to pursue friendships with women particularly because they are women. Thats just weird.

  8. If I were to get back out there into the struggling dating pool, I would drop any girls/women that got jealous of my female friend(s), because I would refuse to drop them for the sake of being this new girl’s boyfriend.

    What do I do with my friends? I do what friends do, hang out and do things together, lately, it has been taking walking trips now and then

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