Hello ya’ll

This is a current problem I’m facing. I know I complain a lot, its a bad habit I’m trying to get out of. But something that I’m struggling with is that if I don’t just let out any of my pain, then I’m just bottling up my emotions, causing rumination. Shouldn’t genuine connection flow freely?

An FICTIONAL example would be as follows :

My roommate asks me how my week was, and I tell him about how my boss verbally abuses me, underpays me, etc. We both walk away from the conversation unfulfilled, and I look like a negative asshole. VS my roommate asks me how my week was, and I decide to lie and tell him it was fine (it was not). I leave the conversation stressed because I just had to lie about how I’m feeling, and now I’m ruminating on how my week was bad.

Let me know if you have questions : )

  1. Me and my roomate both joke about killing our selves when our lives are being shitty.

    Best thing to do is make a joke about it/don’t be afraid to make fun/laugh at your self.

    Edit: I’m not gonna kill my self btw

  2. You can’t vent and let out pain to every person in your life, and maybe your roommate just isn’t the right person in your life for that. I have specific friends who I know are more likely to be engaged in conversation where we to talk about each other’s issues and support each other. A significant other is probably also better suited. But there still has to be some restraint because nobody really wants to hear about all your problems; everyone has problems of their own.

    If finding an outlet to get out your pain is a real issue for you then you should consider talking to a professional like a therapist.

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