My ex-gf broke up with me 2 days ago. She had an emotional affair with someone else and broke up with me about 3 times between these days (once in my car, once in my bed, the next day after me accepting her again). The relationship was getting stagnated, she found comfort in someone else and she admitted to fall in love, when she hung out with the same guy on a date till 3am (nothing physical happened). The reason for the breakup was not because of this though, she did due to the lack of respect for me and the stagnation.

She is very sorry about this and she says I’m right in everything. Tomorrow we are going to meet and deliver our stuff to each other.

I’m guessing this is pure stupidity on my part but I still have feelings for her, so I would like to be sweet and give her the presents anyway IF she also does that. I do not want to go back to her now, but I’m thinking of a future possibility when we both clear our minds and take things slowly (doesn’t mean that after this I won’t just go install tinder again and find someone else).

Or is this all wrong and I should just hurry up with the trade and never speak to her again?

Both gifts are refundable.

TLDR should I give my ex the Xmas presents I bought even though she cheated on me and broke up 3 consecutive times?

Update: I got my stuff but some pants were missing. She sent me money with this text “To buy pants, go kill yourself”.
I sent the money back saying “To buy the condoms you returned to me so you can fuck the other guy. Have a happy life”.

Thank you for all your suggestions, I’m free now!

  1. Bring her stuff. Moving on is the best gift for both of you. Won’t feel like it for a while, but moving on is the best choice you’ll make.
    When you’re in a healthy relationship, you’ll be thinking things like “why did I want THAT situation so badly??”
    Work on you. Make yourself happier. Set small goals for yourself and attain them.
    You’ve got this, champ. You’re going to kick ass. A little bit every day.

  2. No. don’t do it

    Only hung out after a date at their house into the wee hours of the night and nothing physical happened? Unlikely

    Just stop seeing and talking to her after you get your stuff back

    No presents

  3. Return that stuff and buy yourself whatever you want. But also don’t show up when you are supposed to meet.

  4. No, dont give her any Christmas you got her. She cheated on you & broke up with you – have some self-respect & dont give her shit even if she does. Return the gift or give it to someone else.

  5. Nope. Take them back or donate them to charity.

    She’s a full of shit cheater. Cut all contact and go live a better life.

  6. She cheated on you and broke up with you, OP. Either get your money back for those gifts or sell them

  7. Nope. Don’t do it dude. You say you don’t want her back but everything else you say says you do. And I don’t believe for a second that she was out til 3am with him and “nothing happened”. Pure bullshit and you’re eating it up. Return the gift and get your money back. And kick her ass to the curb with all her stuff. There is no happy ending in the future with her. Just misery. Move on and find someone who will treat you right.

  8. no, you get your money back and you use that money on yourself.

    > she found comfort in someone else and she admitted to fall in love, when she hung out with the same guy on a date till 3am

    You going to feel real low if you find out the gift you ended up giving her, she turned around and gave it to him or they use it etc etc etc. Just don’t do it, return it, and focus on yourself. YOU need it.

  9. No, your feelings are all over the place but giving her the gifts doesn’t improve the situation in your favor.

    Especially since she’s been putting you on an emotional roller coaster in such a short time frame. You need to exit the ride and sit down on a bench for a little while.

    Return the gifts, use the money on something nice for yourself to help you feel better.

  10. Nope, don’t give her the gifts. It’ll look pathetic and destroy any respect she has left for you.

  11. Absolutely not. You probably won’t listen to the advice given in this thread because I think your mind is already made up. Sorry you are going through this!

  12. That’s a hard no from me. You broke up, take that item back and use the money for something selfish.

  13. Hell no. You break up, unless her gift is personalized with her NAME on it, it gets returned.

    You don’t get a milk bone for shitting on the floor.

  14. It sounds like you think there is a chance in the future to reconcile. She left you because she no longer wants to be with you. Do not wait for her or hold out hope. She’s not coming back. It will be better if you move on. Make a clean break. Don’t give her any presents.

  15. No. Giving somebody who just cheated on you christmas gifts would frankly be humiliating for you.

  16. Please return the presents and get yourself something nice. Take time for yourself and find someone who respects you. It will be easier to just cut ties and move on with your life.


    She’ll consider it your big move to get her back.
    You know it isn’t that but that’s what she’ll think.
    She’s going to see your “sweetness” as “weakness.”

    Get the refunds.

  18. “Thinking of a future possibility”. OP. No. STOP. Do not pass go. Be done with her, forever.

    You’re also in denial if you think nothing physical happened with someone she …fell in love with? C’mon. And she literally said she does not respect you!

    Honestly, you’re being a doormat here. She doesn’t respect you, as she said, and you just let her.

  19. I mean, as to not have all that stuff layin around reminding you of her, yes. Or bin it. Either or, dont keep it tho.

  20. id say yes, if you can’t think of anyone else to give them to, and anything cool def keep for yourself

  21. Very dumb. Refund it and block her ass. Gotta have self respect, guy. Stop sharing kindness with people with zero respect for you or prepare for a life of suffering.

  22. Do you know why she doesn’t respect you? Because of shit like this. You’re thinking about giving her a Christmas gift even after she cheated on you??? WTF man! Gather what’s left of your dignity and walk away.

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