In the US there’s a tradition of decorating your house with Christmas lights – is there something similar in your neck of the woods?

  1. Yes, but even more so, candles.

    The traditional types of candles are: the four advent candles on an advent wreath, the [calendar candle]( where you have to burn one number down each day in December until Christmas, and of course, the candles on the Christmas tree. Real candles, real tree, real fire hazard 😎

    But yes electric lightning, mostly string lights, is a thing as well.

  2. People put static or blinking lights or some figures with LED lights on their windows if its a apartment, sometimes if it’s a house they do it on the facade. Maybe 15-35 percent do it. Rough calculation idk.

  3. yep. even all the houses on our very rural road have lights. a house across the valley is like the sun at night currently. its great as it gets really dark out here

  4. Yes it’s the best way to cope with the almost permanent darkness.

    And no it’s not the over-the-top decorations but rather just yellow/white lights on your porch/balcony or in the trees.

  5. No, not really.

    People have Christmas Trees, sometimes visible from the street (lots of people live in apartments here).

    And some people have strings of lights on their balcony.Its quite rare though.

    Those very elaborate displays that you get in the US don’t really exist here in Sicily, though you find some more over the top type lights in some shops or restaurants.

  6. [](

    This guy is ten minutes down the road from me. The video is at the bottom of the page.

    If you were to do a Scooby Doo chase past xmas houses here, you’d see the USA in about 1 in 10 along certain roads. My missus is Canadian and she’d drive round with her parents checking out the neighbour’s lights.

    Closest we had to that when I grew up in the UK were Blackpool Illuminations.

  7. Hmm… yes, but if someone doesn’t do it it’s not really bothering anyone. The lights we have aren’t as extravagant as in the US they’re more subtle and inside the house or the porch may have some icicles for example.

  8. Only a tiny minority lives in houses. People live in apartments. The city council puts up some lights in the streets.

  9. Yes, from late November until well into January. It’s dark here and electricity is cheap.

    The decorations range from over-the-top American style flashing rave shows (well, almost) to the more modest Scandinavian advent lights and paper stars.

    Many people live in apartment buildings, and most people put up lights in their windows and on the balcony railing. Sometimes the whole building coordinates and sets up the same lights on every balcony, and sometimes it’s a hodgepodge of multicoloured lights.

  10. yes, both in Poland in Ireland

    all cities and towns got their centers&streets covered with lights and Christmas doodads

    houses are also decorated, but not as much as in US

  11. Yes, but only the odd house tends to go to the levels that some US homes do. You’ll definitely see plenty of lights though.

    I usually put some subtle lights on some of the trees outside my house, but I never put them on the roof etc.

    Commercial premises here tend to go full-on with loads outdoor lights and towns and cities put up lights over streets etc. Big public buildings are usually all decked out with lights or even 3D mapped projection systems in some cases.

  12. yes! Polish here, I walked through my neighbourhood yesterday and there were so many houses with Christmas lights, mostly the colourful ones, it was magnificent; outside my window there is a coniferous tree and every year someone decorates it with it and light it up in the evening, I adore it!

  13. It’s not uncommon for people to do this, but not the majority of houses. Almost everyone will have a Christmas Tree with lights on, and a lot of people will have lights in or around their windows.

    There are Christmas lights in the streets of pretty much every city centre/town centre.

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