I’ve been with my girlfriend for about 2 years
And we have sex pretty often, but it’s always been hard for me to not cum fast. She told me she never came before me and I make her cum a lot but i really have to focus. Like go slow , stop, flex my dick too hold the cum in . I really want to fuck her hard and long but I know I’ll be cumming in like 20 seconds. Some times I just put my dick inside her and I’m like damn I want too cum. How do I get over this I’m 24. The only thing that helped was taking percs but I don’t have access to that anymore

  1. Is she ok with you finishing and then going for round 2 shortly after? I’ve found working on my cardio helped a lot when it comes to lasting longer. Try to not tense up and actively try to relax your pelvic muscles while thrusting. Also, focus on consistent breathing.

  2. I used to have many occasions with that exact same issue until I started taking a over the counter at your local middle eastern owned market and gas station. Product you seek rhino gold extreme and look up phalogenic excersizes and believe me you as well as her will totally be way more satisfied. Putting myself out there right now but ill attest began really pessimistic about the whole idea until a couple weeks in and i was fucking the cum right out of her gushing like Niagara falls, squirted for the first time and now i know im making her smile without her even realizing or knowing but that truly makes you ss the bf/ man or husband however it is but I never made her as wet as i do now after 20 years of marriage so imagine that. And now she gets so mad if we don’t fuck but tell me i got to stimulate her like every time. That’s bs![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)

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