I wanna text this girl that asked for my number but I don’t know what to say. “Hey, What’s up” feels so bland tho. Is that how I should start the conversation if I can’t think of anything better?

  1. Make a plan. Then invite her. If she doesn’t bite at the activity, date, and time then try to reschedule. If she doesn’t bite do it anyway. Like, going to see doctor strange on Sat at 5. If she’s busy she can proffer a different time. If negotiations fail, then go with friends, family, co-workers and then post to social media about it. Shit, go alone if you have to

  2. If she’s attracted to you, it really doesn’t matter what you say. Have an end goal from texting though. (Setting a date)

    Edit: spelling

  3. No it is terrible. Remind her who you are and propose something..there was an intention when you asked he number, right? Cement it

  4. No.

    You start a conversation with: “My comrade, there is an urgent matter over which we must converse”

  5. No, that’s a shit way to start a conversation.
    You should either straight up ask her out or else find something random to talk about. Favorite book, latest movie, a bird you just saw … anything is better than ‘wassup’.

  6. “hey honey, can I pee in your butt?”

    for reals tho, tell her about something that’s going on in your life or bring up something to do with how you met

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