Or do you think that if you really loved the first person you’d never fall for the other romantically as well?

  1. Probably. Some people are polyamorous and polygamous. If you find another like that, it can work.

  2. That’s not possible in my opinion. Like you said if you truly love someone, there’s no reason you should fall in love with someone else. Maybe the other person may have other things you really love, but you shouldn’t fall in love with someone else if you were truly happy and in love with

  3. yes. ive been in polyamorous relationships and was in love with two women.
    it didnt work out. but the feelings i had were real.

  4. I don’t know much about the subject but I don’t know why not.

    But I assume that would require to get into that other person too and that may be hard with the other already occupying the mind and taking your time.

  5. My ex wife told three guys at once she loved them while dating and when she was cheating on me, her husband she told two guys so yeah.

  6. Nah i think it’s meant to be 1 on 1. Poly couples are just people who mix and mingle while having a dedicated partner to maintain a home

  7. Yes its absolutely true you can love 2 people and it can be a pain in the can if your not careful.

  8. As someone who is strictly monogamous, and speaking in the romantic sense, I do believe it is possible to love two people at once, but one person will always be loved more than another.

    It is cruel and selfish to hold onto two people and give them both the hope of love. I do believe that when love is given to one person it is stronger and deeper than when given to two or even more. There is only so much time and attention we have, when we divide it among people it is inevitably less and the how much of ourselves we give become shallower. Those who are polyarmours would disagree, but if you tell me that someone can care for 10 partners in the same way they could for 1, that is unrealistic and categorically false, ofcourse 10 is an absurd number but 6, 3, and even 2 takes a lot, and the more partners you have the less you give to each partner.

    I do believe polyamorous relationships can work, but it takes an incredible level of trust, and it can’t just be one person who has multiple partners, but rather everyone in the relationship that cares for one another very deeply. That said, I believe most polyamorous relationships today pale in comparison to what most idealize for most people cannot properly care for and love one partner, much less for multiple people, equally, it is an immense challenge, not impossible but highly improbably for most people. In the modern dating culture, most people enter polyamorous relationships because one person wants to explore other options and have more partners, while the other accepts because they fear of losing their partner entirely, some people believe it is better to have a fragment of love than none at all, but I believe when it comes to love having a fragment of it can make you feel so much more empty than having none at all.

  9. Sure. Doth not a husband loveth his wife and his child. Doth not friends live each other. Which brings up an important distinguisher, what type of love ist thou speaking of, because there are in fact 7 different forms?


  10. Two loves are possible. Love isn’t standard on paper- it takes on different forms. I believe you can be in love with two people the same amount for each person…but the type of love…that has a different undertone- follow the undertone….remain in your now…and that’s the one you share your now with.

    I’m in love with two people- it’s conflicting and messy. But the one I know I should be with is the one that I know I can’t live without trying and giving it my all. The one I can’t imagine putting on hold for anyone. The one I can’t imagine being platonic towards for the sake of another. That love is just as strong but the undertone makes it stronger than the love I feel for the other.

  11. We love more than one sibling . We love both of our parents. We love all of our best friends. Not sure why romantic love would be any different

  12. Love is certainty that makes you feel uncertain things. You can love two people at once, but what leads you to think you’re in love with both?

  13. yea i mean polyamory exists. and a lot of people seem genuinely happy in those relationships as well.

  14. Yes and no. It depends for me it’s if intimacy is involved. Personally I like being left alone but will make time for the ones I love it’s so complicated and weird how monogamy has become this one love dynamic. I love my partner very much but I do find myself loving my friends in a platonic way but I would never act on that. Like I said weird topic depending on who you ask.

  15. Flip a coin with each person being heads or tails. Before the coin lands, you’ll know who you “love” more.
    Do I think it’s possible, no.
    I think being with more than 1 person is based on more primitive desires.

  16. i think there’s a difference between loving someone and being in love. if it’s about love that we are talking about, it’s totally possible to love 2 people at the same time in my opinion. but if you’re talking about being in love with someone, i think that being in love is not seeing anybody else as a possibility to get in the way of you 2.

  17. Yes why not. You can love your parents and also love your better half. The problem with the western love is they consider it only sexual and for the partner. You can also love your grandparents and love another person.

    If you are a poly, you can love three to four partners and love your family (parents and grandparents)

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