So put simply I had a bad few years, I wasted time with drugs and stuff when I should have worked harder. Thankfully, I’m kind of on track again as I’m working hard studying for exams to be qualified, this will take another 2 years or so.

My question is whether I should just focus my energy on this rather than date? I kind of feel embarrassed as I couldn’t take a girl out nice places, plus it would be a problem if things became serious, but at the same time I don’t want to be single too much longer.

  1. Ultimately you got to do what you think is best. My personal opinion would be to focus on what you’re doing in your studies and career goals. Not saying finding someone isn’t important, but the other parts of your life are important too, and ultimately having a good job and more financial security will impact your life way more in the near term than finding a partner.

    That said, it is tough to go long periods without dating. I’ve done that, and women usually do ask at some point when your last relationship was, and some of them get weird about it if you haven’t dated in awhile, but not everyone. And ultimately being in a good state as a person overall and being happy will give you more confidence in the dating world

  2. Bro this is my exact story down to every detail 😭 (currently studying for the CCNA exam)

    Ultimately tho, I’m choosing to focus on getting myself together because dating would be that much better of an experience when I’m ready.

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