My friend (24f) and I (23f) have been really close friends since high school. She was someone who I go to when I want to share things or when I need a talk. But for the last two years, I started to feel like she wasn’t enough for me.

After graduating from high school, we would only be able to meet 1-3 times a year, hence our main way of communication was texting. There are a few things she does that bothers me:

1. She would disappear for days to weeks without explanations. Completely ignored my texts. And will came back as if nothing happened.

2. She will ignore the texts I sent, and responds with the new topics she opens.

I have been distancing myself from her since about one year ago I posted on Reddit, that was the time where I asked about her being non committal about my invites to hang out. Since then we only hang out when she initiates. And I have made new friends that I felt appreciated around. I texted her less and less.

She has finally realized my distance to her a couple of days ago. I confronted her, telling her that I don’t feel like she was really having a conversation with me, and it was hurtful that she does this. In which she replied “ok I’m a bad person.” “ The habit was deep rooted in me, I don’t think l’d be able to chang it.” “What do you mean by having a good convo? Like talking about economic and the decreasing of birth rate?”
I was in awe of how oblivious and lack of respect she responded. Even during all the confrontation she has been digressing the topic and left me in read for hours multiple times.

I was lost for what I should do next. We were close and is in the same friend group. Friends invite us to the same Christmas party. And it feel so weird to just cut off the relationship to each others after all these years of being friends. There were never fights, I was just simply had enough. Any advice would help. Talk it out in person seems to be a good way, I can not think of others that might help.

Tl;dr: cutting off friendship or remain the same? Never fights but never satisfied.

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