Okay so. First post on reddit, so apologies in advance for any screwups.

I’m 23f, my boyfriend is 27m, and we’ve been in an online LDR for 8 months, nevermets, and this is the first serious relationship for both of us. I love him, and believed that he was “The One”, except… there’s some things I believe I should’ve been able to expect from him that others would from their SOs, and I believe I invest far more effort than he does.

For example, for Valentine’s Day this year, I mailed him a box filled with items like my favourite treats you can’t find in the States (I’m Canadian, he’s from the US), a bracelet I wore and covered with my perfume, a stuffy I got from a trip that I also covered with my perfume, and an artpiece that took me a month to draw, outline, and colour depicting kind of an inside thing between us with a game he plays that I love watching him stream. In return, I asked for a hoodie of his because I’d always wanted to be able to envelop myself in my man’s hoodie. And it would be the closest to him I could get until we met. He got me a handful of digital game copies that were on sale instead, and said he’d feel uncomfortable mailing anything.

The biggest thing that threw me for a loop was when I actually made plans to visit him earlier this month. Him and I were making plans for it to be in August, like things we would go out and do together, and I was saving money for it. I’d be dropping around three grand, because I’d be paying for my mom and I (she wouldn’t let me go meet him alone) and we’d need things like a rental car, etc. Now, I knew his job wasn’t very lenient and that was fine to me; he works nights so even if he doesn’t have days off we could still spend time together for a handful of hours before he’d have to drive to work. Well, until I found out that he believed we were only gonna do the fun, planned stuff if I just so happened to be there when he had a day off or two. Otherwise, he figured that on days he worked I could just spend time with him once he came home after work…at 12:30-1 am. Until he went to bed at 4 am. I got very upset and had to suggest to him to maybe go to bed earlier and get up earlier for the days I was there, or ask his boss if he could take leave. He asked and his boss said he could, but by then I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go and my mom thought it was ridiculous and didn’t want to go either. We ended up resolving it, but it was really crappy us being upset and angry with each other, and I still believe that I shouldn’t have had to push him to take leave or anything like that.

Anyway, this along with other occasions has left me with feeling like I give too much and don’t receive enough in return. I’m also the one that spearheads the relationship, checking in on how he feels and bringing up questions about the future, starting inside traditions and whatnot, and that’s gotten a bit tiring too. And I’ve also communicated how I feel (such as how it seems like I’m more interested in things than he is—his reply was he’d be more concerned if that was the general consensus, but that’s just my opinion and when we meet I’ll see how wrong I am). Last night especially I brought up a hard conversation that he didn’t like, and he even said that he didn’t believe successful, happy couples talk about that stuff. Which, yeah, no kidding.

So now I’m considering leaving him. Thing is, yeah, I still love him, and remember how I said we resolved the visit thing? It turned out his family had vouchers for an airline and could travel to Canada, so he would be the one coming in August instead, this time to go to a family camping trip a few hours away that my mom, sister and I would also join, and we would finally meet and have fun there. Reservations aren’t open yet, so it’s not like we have to go, but… I’m wondering if I should wait just to see how he is in person. I do hold hope that he’ll be amazing and that our time together will be wonderful, and that maybe it will cause him to put in more effort, or he’ll have learned to by then.

On the other hand, even the progress he’s making in being giving and putting in effort is only because I suggest it or push him to (like buying me a necklace and not going ahead in an anime we were supposed to watch together), and I wish I didn’t have to.

So, yeah. Not sure if I should break up with him now, or wait till August, or even just wait and see if things get better.

TL;DR: I (23f) am in an LDR and thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend (27m) because I feel I’ve invested more and put more effort into the relationship. But I’m still unsure. Should I break up now, or wait until after August when we’re supposed to meet for the first time and I see how he is then, or should I even break up at all?

  1. Break up and save yourself the time and effort for someone who could make the effort to send a damn sweatshirt to you and take some time off work to see you. I don’t know any company that wouldn’t be ok with someone taking 3 days off way in advanced. He’s hiding something or he’s not who you think he is. Run.

  2. This sounds incredibly sketchy. 8 month relationship and he’s not comfortable mailing you a sweatshirt and puts in 0 effort to meet you in person? My advice is cut your losses and seek someone who will put in the same effort you put in

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