So I work as an office aide for one of my school’s secretaries, yesterday I was asked to retrieve a kid for something (I don’t know what, more than likely truancy or absences.) When I entered the classroom, EVERYONE seemed to immediately burst out laughing as soon as I entered, two girls were even looking at me while snickering behind their hands, and the teacher of course did jackshit to reprimand them at all because the staff at my high school are as useless and spineless as wet tissue. I wasn’t wearing anything weird, in fact, I actually thought I looked pretty good that day, but unfortunately due to my fucked genes, I’m severely balding to the point that I look more like forty than eighteen, and the dickheads at school always seem to love to point that out to me, as if I don’t hate myself for it already. Plus I’m overweight, not obese but noticeable, how do I deal with situations like that?

  1. Let assholes be. Sorry to hear this, and coming from a former overweight person I feel you BUT the best thing to do is a) fuck em and move on b) if you haven’t yet, hit the gym, respectively (it sucks for the time being but it do get better)

  2. if ur 18 and balding u might want to get ur hormone levels checked, you might have an over production of testosterone (can cause rly bad heart n kidney issues)

  3. Dude.. I was balding at 14! It sucks! But eff the haters.. I hated kids when I was a kid! I was also overweight. By the time I graduated high school I had completely shaved my head and just stopped caring what people thought. Then I get to college and started getting mad respect and my self esteem shot through the woof!

  4. People will tell you to “rise above” situations like this and while that’s a good idea, it’s a lot harder in practice. It takes times. It just sucks rn. And it will continue to suck. But after some time it will start to suck less and less. Just don’t do anything rash and try to remember that HS kids are mean af and will do anything to avoid addressing their own issues which is why they find it so easy to attack others.

    I used to get made fun of for being tall and skinny and it always hurt. My clothes never fit. I’m clumsy and pretty emotional, too. But now if someone tries to make fun of me over that I almost only feel their insecurity. Too think someone would actually take time out if their day to try and bring me down just tells me how sad they are. But, yes, it does still hurt a little. That never goes away, I guess.

  5. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It makes me remember how I used to treat staff and facility members as a kid like that. I honestly do regret laughing at my teachers. Who knows what they went through. Kids are mean. But they’re kids with their own insecurities themselves. Just don’t let them get to you. And it’s way easier said than done but at that age they have a little empathy for other adults because they’re so caught up in their own world.

  6. Bren in similar. U be out soon and can choose ur college or work. Space these days u might be able to find income from home

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