I have trouble responding to insults. I usually stay silent or start a discussion.

Edit: I’m not a teenager. I’m a grown-up.

  1. Honestly it depends. Are you a teenager being bullied or an adult being harassed? It’s easier for adults to just laugh it off, especially if it’s a random stranger insulting you. Kids have less autonomy, so getting away from bullies is trickier.

    The go-to response is a sarcastic quip that makes the insulter look dumb.

  2. If you’re a teenager beat their ass, this is the time to do stuff like that. If you’re an adult, you just say “Well I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day!”

  3. This technique always work. Just look at the with your head tilted like a dog and ask the “Are you okay” it completely disarms and deflates them. Then just walk away lol

  4. Modified comment I posted on another subreddit:

    Ask them to repeat what they said. It deflates them. Then when they repeat it say “does it make you feel good to s*** on other people?” Then, don’t say anything else and walk away knowing you are now in their head. They may not say it, but they will think about what they said to you. If they don’t, they are mentally ill in some way and that’s sad for them, not you. Don’t let someone ruin your good mood bc they want to make other people feel small.

  5. Ignore. Completely. With silence, words, face, tone, and all your existence.

    There is no higher insult than ignoring somebody, showing that neither their word nor existence make no difference to you and you have no time to reply.

  6. Every accusation is a confession, most people these days are tremendously self absorbed so 9/10 they will be insecure of some aspect of themselves however instead of meeting it head on they project it onto other people to cope with their shortcomings. Really, once you accept thats how a majority of people are, youre not even going to care about whatever insults they hurl at you because you know the insult is not really intended at you but at themselves.

    Once I learned this, my main comeback would simply be silence, I know the truth and thats enough for me

  7. Quote Worf. Lean in close to their face and say through clenched teeth “if you were any other man, I’d kill you where you stand”.

  8. Just reset their brain with a slap, it’s maximum respect you can show. Bet there won’t be a second attempt.

  9. I fight not talk back. wouldn’t know what advice to give you but to beat them up🤣

  10. I used to always get choked up when someone would insult me or make a sly comment. When I didn’t have it in me to give it right back to them, I’d just say, “Hey, that wasn’t nice. What did you mean by that?” Or just look at them straight in the eyes and ask sternly, “Can you please repeat that?”

  11. They are already underneath you. Don’t let them drag you down. Just stare at the fool that the other person is making themselves

  12. 2 ways:

    1. silence and moving onto the next topic if you’re around others – that makes them feel inadequate while not bringing yourself down at their level

    2. deflection by changing the insult thrown at you into verbal banter

  13. Your mother didn’t raise you well apparently, or maybe she did the best and you came out wrong anyway, poor thing who shares blood with you

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