Could be an abandoned restaurant or shopping center or just woods that overgrown on top of a building. There is an old golf course that was abandoned and it looks overgrown by trees. It’s neat looking at it on maps.

  1. I grew up between Brooklyn and LongIsland and both places have constantly changed, so I couldn’t tell you. Plus, I barely go back to visit NY.

  2. What does “most abandoned” mean? I mean, isn’t “abandoned” kinda like “pregnant”? You either are or you aren’t.

  3. There used to be an old “bunker” in town but they filled it with dirt because kids were playing in it.

  4. The theme park that used to be ran by old man winters! Supposedly it’s haunted by ghosts. A bunch of kids and their dog broke down there the other day.

  5. The old train depot. It’s all a giant park now, but the building itself has become a massively vandalized shooting gallery and popular stop for the homeless. There’s a big fence around it, but they cut holes through that. Trains haven’t stopped there since the 1960s. It’s become quite an eyesore, but the city is always promising investors for revitalization projects that never pull through.

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