Weather you pick to survive with your family, die, or survive

  1. To a pharmacy/dispensary/liquor store – one last party and then see ya later. I do not want to live through that.

  2. I’d try to get to Ireland as I find it a sacred place, and I’d sleep under a mountain with my love and read each other poetry and play music until we fell into the otherworld.

  3. I’m yeeting myself to Jesus. I’m a *woman* for starters but I also need medicine to live, my husband also needs medicine to live. So me, hubs, and the cats are taking a CO2 nap.

  4. I’d stay in the building I’m in, it has security gates, armed guards, cameras, giant walls, easily fortifiable.

  5. Costco. Depending on the number of people in there with me, we could sustain life for a few months/years. They usually have giant concrete walls, easily defensible, & near me in California often have their own solar panels and generators.

    Either that or I’m staying in my apartment until the amenities run out and then taking a bath with my toaster, I’m not cut out for an apocalyptic wasteland

  6. Haha hey. Security guards are going home with the family once it’s starts. So now it’s just a gate keeping you guys in as well as the criminals because they know you guys have the goods lol

  7. Lmao toaster. I love it. I thought that was only real in movies.
    Costco huh. Hmm. I think the workers will be taking over that. . Costco is so good they might let you in with a membership lol

  8. Camp with my family, it would be pretty easy to baracade and is pretty self sustainable, I’d have water, heat, could fish and hunt. We could be off grid for quite a while.

  9. NZ. My inlaws have a beautiful rural property. Take the kids and try and enjoy the last moments in peace.

  10. I stay where we are, live on countryside so either it will take a while then few ppl in village will get infected then move on/die because nothing here. Actually just trying to hide, baricade the house really, collect everything that can be used as weapon.
    Food not a problem how it is now. I’m a hoarder and do my own jam, pickles and so on (don’t remember the English word for that stuff now)
    I have so I can heat the house with wood, wintertime I feel zombies will freeze anyway. Have campingkitvhens and fuel for those so we can make hot food.
    Have a plan that run to the store we have in the village, take all the fuel the have for campingkitchen, take as much cans as possible and so on. Even some if the fresh food first. Pads for the girls, just stock! Have fabricpads at home but still.

    If I really wanted I move so much as possible to moms house 50m away, she have a bigger house more outside even I’d just 50m. Have her own well to. Just move as much as possible there until everything goes bananas.
    Only thing that put me off that idea is stepdad is trigerhappy and have guns and thinks he is a terminator when he really isnt and mom is stupid enough to go against a zombiehoard instead of hiding. Yes I feel that’s who she is and she would lead the zombies to us. She is that person in the movies.

    The thing is I feel out here, either ppl stay and will be zombies or something inside there own houses and be trapped or they run to the city’s because the government say that and they become zombies anyway.
    It’s just about laying low at start when news come out really. Then you never know.

    My one kids meds are the only one I be scared of but honestly she don’t have a chance if that’s happens so it could be one of those best in long run. It won’t kill her out meds just make life more difficult.

    I love so much up north I feel depending on what season we make it better or not. Wintertime I don’t feel zombies are that happy about really. We could get a warm winter tho.
    I can grow stuff, try and make a life long-lasting and hoping some idiot don’t cone out here because they bored and want to kill ppl.

  11. My husband and I actually talked about this recently! In the event there could be survivors of the apocalypse, other than knowledge for the young, I’m really not a good candidate for being one who *should* survive. I can’t help repopulate, I’m not a doctor, I don’t have a background in technology, etc. I’m a wife, mom, and grandma. That’s it. I’ve lived a great life, and I would not choose to use up extremely valuable resources of food, water, and medicine when I could gift my resources to someone 1/3 my age, who could do so much good in the future. Therefore, I would find a way to end things for myself. I don’t think my husband felt the same way.

  12. My parents’ house out in the country. There’s a natural spring out back. Mom cans her garden bounty, raises chickens, has a couple guns. Dad has a reasonable reserve of rice, water, MREs, and a head full of technical knowledge and general good sense. And they love, trust, and welcome me and my kids.

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