What is the most meaningful experience in your life?

  1. spending my summers in russia with my grandparents. my parents neglected me for years and i owe everything to my grandparents. they made me feel loved and doted on. i’d spend every summer hiking russian mountains with my grandfather and his husky. i practically lived in the woods – those experiences i wouldn’t trade for anything. i’m a total homebody now though lol gramps wouldn’t be happy

  2. Raising my children. Classic response, but it’s absolutely true. It’s not so much about them being “mine” as watching them grow into unique individuals who belong not to me, but to themselves and the world. They are a reflection of you, but also the thing that most pushes you to change.

  3. Giving birth/pregnancy while simultaneously experiencing a loss of a loved one. Happened 2/3 of my pregnancies.

    There is a Iron and Wine song, Sodom South Georgia. The song has a line:

    “Papa died while my girl Lady Edith was born
    Both heads fell like eyes on a crack in the door”

    And that line has always stuck with me with those memories.

  4. Definitely moving to a new country alone. I finally found out who I am as a person.

  5. Being with my dad when he decided to stop treatment and spend his last few days in hospice. Being by his side when he passed is something that I will be forever grateful for.

  6. College graduation (1st in my family to graduate from college) and buying my first home as a single 32 year old.

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