Travelling is costly and CO2 intensive, so cannot make it everywhere. So sometimes I like to look at random places at home.

What location in your country would be pretty or interesting to check out on Google Maps? You can reply with just the name for a village or for a street/neighbourhood in a town, but if you have the time, respective maps links are very handy!

  1. The town Geldrop has a LotR neighbourhood. Look for “Aragorn, Geldrop, Netherlands” on google maps and you’ll find it. The map itself might be more interesting than street view, though.

    Edit: what should we look at in your country? 🙂

  2. There are some [aerial shots above the Poeke castle](,3.4500567,3a,75y,5.88h,79.7t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOAxV1LXU4VqVvbY2zTxBoBkSfpM3Eg1lICtfKE!2e10!3e11!!7i8192!8i4096?entry=ttu), which give a nice view of the Flemish countryside. The castle itself is right below and the woods surrounding it are part of its domain. Just to the right you can see the village of Poeke; and on the other side of the park is Lotenhulle. The two villages are only separated by the castle.

    Another specific thing I found quite amusing is [this farm](,3.5836505,3a,75y,45.29h,84.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szosJwcm8taIJuOqK6NTuvg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) in my area which accidentally got mapped as part of the road. You can also see [the farmer leaving](,3.5850769,3a,70.6y,334.29h,52.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sn9PwnOJUvXFbTQrCCusSYQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) as the Google car enters his driveway.

  3. One of my personal favorite places to drive through is Våtedalen in Norway. Google maps doesn’t do it justice, but it’s still gorgeous.

  4. [Carbis Bay, Cornwall](,%2bSaint%2bIves,%2bUK%2f%4050.1988466,-5.4682681,38.26583052a,0d,60y,345.04561524h,81.48526132t,0r%2fdata%3dCoUBGlsSVQolMHg0ODZhYzE4ODNkM2Q3YWVkOjB4OTBmYmE1N2I4NDI3MTEzMRmz-clirBpJQCFnNKjsqvYVwCoaQ2FyYmlzIEJheSwgU2FpbnQgSXZlcywgVUsYASABIiYKJAliaU4EaipJQBFS1BgYIypJQBm5riVnVAkSwCEEH8R5dg4SwCIwCixBRjFRaXBOeGFpYlA5b3otejFpRGZrYmJ0QXZpUWhfR3dqVWRldURnVm1NOBAF)


    [Minack Theatre](,%2bPorthcurno,%2bPenzance,%2bUK%2f%4050.040874,-5.6512922,40.93479847a,0d,87.18820196y,159.14889762h,98.7684093t,0r%2fdata%3dCpMBGmkSYwolMHg0ODZhYzgwNjEyMGQ2NzQ1OjB4MTAxNzVhNGY5YjQ1MmJmZRllFHB0OgVJQCE2NArurJoWwCooTWluYWNrIFRoZWF0cmUsIFBvcnRoY3Vybm8sIFBlbnphbmNlLCBVSxgBIAEiJgokCUWeeQuABUlAEYfXBEUYBUlAGXFfgoh8lhbAIdLghurwmxbAIjAKLEFGMVFpcFBaRzE5VzlpNmEtRVN0LUtrWS1GSGVzN2c5TjBfdFdzd2gzWUgyEAU)

    [Petitor Point, Torquay](,%2bTorquay,%2bUK%2f%4050.4862996,-3.5139311,50.56758284a,0d,60y,37.54519136h,84.83039539t,0r%2fdata%3dCoIBGlgSUgolMHg0ODZkMGUzNTAzYmY5NWNmOjB4NjYyZGYxNDVkYWRlMjUxMRn-JalMMT1JQCFsF-R4Tx8MwCoXQmFiYmFjb21iZSwgVG9ycXVheSwgVUsYASABIiYKJAlPkEokoypJQBHxrvehaypJQBlTGGCumo0SwCFuuCj9aJISwCIwCixBRjFRaXBOalJIMUZ6RHFKZVZHNGdXaW9DZU1HZF83VkpyUEtDRVRfXzBobxAF)


    [Robin Hood’s Bay](,%2bWhitby,%2bUK%2f%4054.43289154,-0.53422747,45.94123349a,0d,60y,155.45221312h,76.45982289t,0r%2fdata%3dCocBGl0SVwolMHg0ODdmMTYxYmIwYzNkY2QxOjB4OTMyNDZjMTIyNTI1ZTY5Nxm9Lf3wmDdLQCFbZJaYwh7hvyocUm9iaW4gSG9vZCdzIEJheSwgV2hpdGJ5LCBVSxgBIAEiJgokCR9nembTM0tAEaiXz7BUM0tAGcxuNz1rDd-_IQl_ksFNhd-_IhoKFmVhNWY5M1NOSjhFbEc0eTRKbHhwYlEQAg)

  5. Malmberget, Sweden is somewhat interesting from a satellite view.
    Same with Kiruna, Sweden.

    It is extra interesting (or sad) if you can compare new and old satellite images from different decades. Don’t know if it’s possible to do that in Google Maps app on mobile, but I *think* it’s possible when using Google Maps from a desktop.

  6. Personally, I’m a big Zell am See fan. The real deal is beautiful, especially in autumn, but it’s worth checking out on google maps too. If you enable globe mode, it’s also one of the regions that’s rendered completely in 3d, buildings and trees and all included.

  7. Durham on the Palace Green. It’s on what’s effectively an island citadel in the middle of the river. That’s right at the top and you get a good view of the cathedral, castle, library and college buildings if you look around in a full circle.

    Whitby starting at the Whale Arch and heading down into the town, going along the riverside and then crossing the bridge. And from there head up toward St. Mary’s Church and the Abbey.

    Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds. A market town with lovely old buildings, a grand hall, and tall church.

  8. Finkenherd, Quedlinburg. Were allegedly Heinrich I (Henry the Fowler) received the message that he had been elected Kaiser in 919.

    Quedlinburg’c church St. Servatii became a *Frauenstift*, where the widows and some sisters of the Liudolfinger (Heinrich I, Otto der Große etc.) lived.

    It’s also the place where Lithuania was first mentioned, when Bruno of Querfurt wrote the Quedlinburg Annals there in 1009.

    Oh and several East German fairytales were filmed there, especially Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot with Pavel Trávníček (the Prince from Aschenbrödel 🙂,11.137495,19z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47a5a32659e4c779:0x1628b35960833001!8m2!3d51.7871728!4d11.1369311!16s%2Fg%2F11c531fj5w?entry=ttu

    You will find better photos and panoramas here:

    While we are at Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot, check out [Burg Falkenstein]( It was also used in the movie and is the place were the Sachsenspiegel was written by Eicke von Repgow ca. 1220. The Sachsenspiegel is the first law book written in Middle Low German. It’s principles were later spread throughout Central and Eastern Europe with the Magdeburg Law.

    You can take the virtual tour here:

    LPT: do not try to walk down the Burgberg drunk in the dark, it’s rather steep.

    Another place would be Kloster Michaelstein, a 13th century Cistercian monastery, where I got my high school diploma. It’s beautiful and also a museum for old instruments. The alsoy build the water powered musical machine of Salomon de Caus (†1626) there.

    During Corona, the museum made a virtual 3d site available at

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