I (26M) saw a girl on facebook who looked cute and tried to get a conversation going. I introduced saying I thought she was cute and wanted to get to know her. She added me back and said she was open to talking. I see she likes to read so I tried to make a conversation on that because I’m getting back into reading myself. But her replies we pretty short and didn’t add much to her replies. I just felt like I was bothering her and I just ghosted after exchanging only a few messages.

I just didn’t feel like she wanted to talk to me even though she said she was open to it. I would give decent replies and try to ask her questions to open her up. But her replies were short and not really open ended so I just gave it up. Should I have kept the conversation going? I’m not an extremely social person and reaching out boldly is out of my comfort zone but I just didn’t know how to keep the conversation going with someone who I feel like I’m bothering.

  1. If some random dude messaged you and said the same things you messaged her, how long would you keep the conversation going?

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