What personality trait makes you think “She is the one”?

  1. honesty, openness, similar sense of humor and taste in music. doesnt play games, doesnt expect me to read her mind.

  2. Someone who is so completely themselves, fully, truly, and wholly… what you see, is what you get, 24/7, 365… knows who they are, what they want… independent

  3. Honest, loyal, being a good communicator, and taking care of her both mental and physical well-being.

  4. The ones I know are a lot more willing to help. I never think about strangers when I’m out, but when I’m out with my stepmom or wife sometimes they’ll just zero in on someone with a dead battery in the parking lot who needs a jump, or a kid without his parents in the store, when I never even notice those things at all.

  5. > She is the one

    When she gives me a peaceful environment. Doesnt initiate nonsense fights and arguments. Thats it. (i dont even care what she looks like)

  6. Honesty, caring, facing reality, i found my one but I’m afraid I’ll burn her with my love, i just love her so much

  7. Wanting to try out things they don’t even like that much just to be together.

    Clear sign they are the one, IMO

  8. She **listens** and does not punish you with the truth.

    as a man, its rare for me to feel like i can open up to a woman. So to have a woman who will listen is a huge plus. Another one is someone who does not tell her girlfriends everything that happens in the relationship. I can speak for other men, but whenever that has happened, it has made feel extremely naked.

  9. Peace, calmness, poise, is worthy of respect and shows respect, kindness, warmth, self-awareness, integrity, loyalty, selflessness, personal and financial discipline.

  10. Independence and self-awareness. Humor and consistency. She truly knew herself so she knew what she wanted in life and in a partner. She wasn’t afraid to be alone until she found her right match. She’s deeply funny and not moody. Makes for a nice place to land at the end of the day. Bonus points: she knows her way around a grill, is an epic story teller and regularly ego checks my untamed arrogance.

  11. They’re great companions, I’m always surprised at how friendly they can be even with a resting bitch face guy like me.

  12. My brain rambles so my humor does also. It’s very refreshing to meet a woman (or really anybody) that can riff with me and contribute her own weirdness.

    Oh, and you better be fucking nice to people.

  13. When she initiates conversation, when she goes out of her way for you, takes time to do things you like/your interests and hobbies, a sense of humor, caring for others/animals/the planet, genuinely gets along with your family, down to earth, etc.

  14. Kindness, compassion, empathy, patience, that sort of thing.

    I don’t need a partner who has an abundance of wealth or ambition or independence, those are nice things to have, but they’re not game makers. What I want is someone I can *be* with, that’s all, nothing fancy, just companionship.

    By way of analogy: When men say they want a woman who can cook, we tend to be talking about stew, not soufflé.

  15. I appreciate any woman that can gift her full femininity into the world without feeling ashamed or pressured by what modern society says she “should” be. Yes, this means traditionally feminine, full of *life*, *chaotic*, someone who loves to simply dance in the rain but also blows up emotionally at small things. A woman who *needs* to be held by a man for no other reason that doing so fulfills *my* masculine destiny. A woman who endlessly seduces me because she *must* be captured while simultaneously avoiding so. The hunt is always on and I want to always be on my game. I want to fear losing her so that I never do. In the end, she will know that she’s mine and she will be the happiest she’ll ever be because it was our purpose to dance. This gives life and meaning to a relationship beyond being equal. She being her feminine self unlocks ever bit of my masculinity in a way that creates a truly intimate communion.

  16. Out of the girls I met nothing yet, but my for my mom and sisters is caring and nurturing nature and how they unconditionally love and support me. Hoping to find a partner who does those things and more In The future

  17. Peace. My wife and I have been together for 14 years and she brings me peace.

    Come home, peace. Go out to drink with the boys, peace. If she wants a girls night out, same goes, peace.

    We hardly argue about anything ever, we talk, discuss and come to an understanding. Sometimes I have my way, and sometimes she has hers. And we are at peace with that.

    We agree to disagree on a lot of things, and then the subject is dropped. I don’t try to force my view on her and she does not force her views on me.

    I’ll leave this woman when either I die or she does.

  18. Brains and a good sense of humor.

    And a BIG part of that is her laughing at my jokes.

  19. Self aware, honest, good communicator, engaging in conversation and not just a monologuer.

  20. Humor, wit, sparkle in the eyes, healthy hair, length, intellect, empathy and a strong small butt. Any of the above would do.

  21. Effort. I’d say reciprocation but if any action is done because I did something first and it’s half-assed then it’s more of a red flag.

    I’ve been dealing with dates/women who aren’t doing much in the relationship and I’m a romantic. So it’s been feeling one sided.

  22. Much less now, I’ve lowered my expectations of ever finding someone who views relationship goals that is aligned with my own thoughts, opinions and feelings. I guess maybe those single mothers/ladies who were in abusive narcissistic relationships and have not given up on genuine happiness or love! To do that and battle through that would likely be a partner that you could go to war with…

  23. A nurturing soul, honesty, a nuanced taste in music, wonderful sense of humor, good with animals and children, and of course she has to have the kind of body that would cause Cardinal Dolan to bite a brick in half with undisguised drooling lust.

  24. When she’s aware that men have feelings too. I see so many men lose their wife/girlfriend for showing “weakness”. I just so happened to marry one that sincerely encourages me to be open with her. I feel like I married a unicorn.

  25. She doesn’t make me feel like I need to prepare myself to come home. Rather, she is my peace and calm. Something many women forget is that a man’s home is a retreat from work and stress. If he comes home only to have immediate nagging or arguments, he has no place to unwind, and no where to release his burdens.

    Ladies, give your men some peace when he first comes home. Then after a while, you can ask him to do “something” in a respectful manner.

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