I have been trying to meet with my main boss (exec level) for two weeks. I am hoping to talk about career goals (another manager recommended I do this). I’m lower level and have never set up time individually with him, but been in many meetings together and worked directly with him in person over the last year.

I put time on his calendar and has moved it a few times and not showed up but messaged me sorry after and proposed a new time. Yesterday, he didn’t show up again. Today (Saturday) he messaged me that he has a big meeting on Monday he is preparing for and he asked if we can meet after Tuesday.

What’s the etiquette for what I should do next? I was thinking I should message him back right now, but should I also go ahead and move the calendar invite? I’ve worked with him on the weekend before so I think it’s fine to message now, but not sure about the calendar invite.

“Of course, I hope the prep and meeting goes well on Monday!”

1 comment
  1. Work with his schedule. Be accommodating. Understand his role and the responsibilities he has. I don’t know his exact title or where he falls jn you chain of command, and Obviously I don’t know your company structure, big difference between a 50 person org and a 2000 person org. I’ve worked in both, I’d say I was in a mid-upper tier role at both organizations, and even at the 50 person company, grabbing time with c level would be a big ask. He’s doing you a solid by meeting, and it’s a good sign that he’s communicating. You’ve already showed confidence by asking for the meeting. You don’t need to stand your ground and hold him accountable to the proposed time. If you get pushy it will leave a bad taste. Be proactive, be flexible. The fact that he’s responding implies he’s made it a priority to happen

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