So I have this friend on Xbox (G), and we met through a mutual friend(Kari). The day our mutual friend was with us it was cool, we were joking around playing some games nothing too bad. Then yesterday Im trying to help one of my other friends(Olive)level up their character and G was calling us noobs and just pretty much trying to one up me, ok fine you wanna be the best go for it, I was a bit peeved at this point. Then I asked if my ESO characters name sounded Khajiit enough and he told me it sounded like a terrorist name, my characters name is Ahlai Kahli, like the Hindu goddess of destruction and those flowers necklaces you get from hula girls. That pissed me right off and so I just stayed quiet bc I genuinely wanted to try and help olive with his character and I didn’t want to start drama. Then G goes on to tell me my character build is “horrendous” bc I’m a night blade tank, and nightblades are ment for stealth. But I figured my character, my choices. After a while I asked olive if he wanted to duel so we could try to get his lvls up a bit faster, and I ended up killing him, then like 20 mins later my mom got ahold of me and she had the day off so she wanted me to come up and do girl stuff, so I told everyone in party that i would be bailing early to go see my mom and dad, the G jjst said “leave you wont, get out rn.” I was quiet for a few seconds and then said I guess the only friend I have in this party is olive, G then told me I was a piss poor friend bc I had killed olive earlier, then I just bailed without saying goodbye, and it ended up eating me up a bit like what if olive and G talk about me behind my back? What if all my friends talk about me behind my back?I’m unsure of how to proceed, bc most my friends like to hang out with G, but after this I don’t wanna be around him a bunch bc I don’t wanna be a joke punchline.

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