Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but here goes.

I wondered if there is a preference for most people as to whether you’re the one who initiates, or you prefer for sex/fun to be initiated by your partner? (I use partner to cover all bases, both short and long-term, romantic or purely sexual, and absolutely everything else too).

I (24F) struggle with the physical intimation of making the first move due to my default touch avoidance from autism. I enjoy and crave the touch of my partner, and can touch them too, but it takes conscious effort from me to realise and make sure I’m giving my partner enough.

I am very lucky that my last partner and my current one have been super understanding of this. My current partner (24M) usually takes the lead when it comes to touching (he’ll move my hand to his cock, for example, for me to touch him and know it’s what he wants). But I don’t know if that means he ALWAYS initiates, or whether my signals and mental attitude can mean that I sometimes do and he just pushes it to physical touching.

I just want to say that I’m okay with him doing this as he knows it helps me. Usually after the first touches, I can freely touch and explore him more without his guidance (unless he’s domming me hehe).

Can iniating be mental too? Where I wear lingerie to state my intentions? Tease him, even without much touching? (I kiss him, I don’t class that as the touching though as it’s usually my hands where the touch avoidance comes).

I guess, even though he’s reassured me it’s okay… I don’t want him to get bored that I’m not the one to touch him first. Can that happen? I give back 100% and more, I love pleasuring him and giving him everything the way he deserves but hasn’t had before me.

Any advice, stories/experiences and comments are welcome. Thank you.

  1. I have a hard time making a first move at first, because nobody likes being rejected. If I know the woman wants it, that makes it much easier to make I first move.

  2. All I can say is communication is key. It might be uncomfortable for both of you talking about it initially but I’d guess that would open a lot of different opportunities as well.

  3. Teasing/sexting can be a huge turn-on to. Then when you see him next you can follow up

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